Viper Guide

Viper (Netherdrake)
A malicious Drake tamed by the Lich King himself, Viper is a fierce, acid-spitting beast whose speed and agility surprises the most hardened of warriors. Cursing himself into a maddened rage, Viper charges into battle without regard of his own safety. His salivary glands produce stinging poison that causes enemies to writhe in pain, severely damaging their nerves. Be careful when facing this powerful monster...its dark silhouette may be the last thing you will ever see.(From Warcraft III: Frozen Throne)
Hero Skills
Frenzy - Increases attack speed for 20 seconds, at the cost of taking additional damage.
Level 1 - 25% increase, 5% damage taken increase.
Level 2 - 50% increase, 10% damage taken increase.
Level 3 - 75% increase, 15% damage taken increase.
Level 4 - 100% increase, 20% damage taken increase.
Poison Attack - Coats Viper's attack with poison. Slows movement and attack speeds and lasts 2 seconds.Level 2 - 50% increase, 10% damage taken increase.
Level 3 - 75% increase, 15% damage taken increase.
Level 4 - 100% increase, 20% damage taken increase.
Level 1 - Slows speed by 10%, deals 6 damage per second.
Level 2 - Slows speed by 20%, deals 12 damage per second.
Level 3 - Slows speed by 30%, deals 18 damage per second.
Level 4 - Slows speed by 40%, deals 24 damage per second.
Corrosive Skin - Viper's body is covered with poison. Any unit that attacks it becomes infected. Reduced movement and attack speed and minor damage for 3 seconds. The poison also absorbs some of the damage from spells.Level 2 - Slows speed by 20%, deals 12 damage per second.
Level 3 - Slows speed by 30%, deals 18 damage per second.
Level 4 - Slows speed by 40%, deals 24 damage per second.
Level 1 - 5% reduction, 5 damage per second. 5% magic reduction.
Level 2 - 10% reduction, 10 damage per second. 10% magic reduction.
Level 3 - 15% reduction, 15 damage per second. 15% magic reduction.
Level 4 - 20% reduction, 20 damage per second. 20% magic reduction.
Level 2 - 10% reduction, 10 damage per second. 10% magic reduction.
Level 3 - 15% reduction, 15 damage per second. 15% magic reduction.
Level 4 - 20% reduction, 20 damage per second. 20% magic reduction.
Viper Strike - Strikes with a vicious bite, slowing movement and attack speeds significantly and dealing poison damage over time.
Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 1 - Deals 60 damage per second and slows speeds by 40%.
Level 2 - Deals 100 damage per second and slows speeds by 60%.
Level 3 - Deals 145 damage per second and slows speeds by 80%.
Level 1 - Deals 60 damage per second and slows speeds by 40%.
Level 2 - Deals 100 damage per second and slows speeds by 60%.
Level 3 - Deals 145 damage per second and slows speeds by 80%.
Hero Builds
Gameplay :
Semi-Support Build I -This is best if you want viper to hunt around the map looking for kills early game
- Starting Items - 2 tangos, 1 flask, the rest to branches
- Early to mid game items - dagger, boots of travel, dagon, wraith bands(not necessary if you have gained lots of gold)
- Late game items - Sange and Yasha, Monkey King Bar
- Skill Build : poison attack, stats, poison attack, stats, poison attack, viper strike, poison attack, corrosive skin, stats, corrosive skin, viper strike, corrosive skin, frenzy, corrosive skin, stats, frenzy, viper strike, then assign the rest.
Keep harassing the enemy hero/es on the lanes. If you are with an mvp hero, give the creep kills to the mvp hero and concentrate on denying your own creeps. When you reach level 6, attempt a hero kill by using viper strike. When you reach level 7, go back to base and shop for items. You should be able to buy boots of travel by this time if you were careful or if you made the hero kill. If not, buy boots, some circlets and town portal then farm for your boots of travel. Be sure to watch out for enemies trying to kill your teammates. Always help them when you have the chance by using your town portal on the nearest tower. You can also earn lots of gold if you are lucky and were able to kill a hero when doing the rescue.
When you already have dagger, boots of travel and dagon it would be a lot easier to kill enemy heroes. You can even do a combo attack like when you have a teammate who is a stunner, make him stun the opponent while you travel on the creeps near to them. By the time the enemy recovers from stun, you will be there and cast viper strike on him then attack him with poison attack. If the enemy can almost escape, cast the dagon on him. lol. Just keep doing while slowly buying your next items. This is a good way of supporting your mvp heroes because you divert the enemy's attention on your constant visits and killing attempts. You can also help anywhere on the map as long as there is a structure to creep to use your boots of travel on. Your hero is still very useful late game if you got Sange & Yasha andMonkey King bar(or perhaps more).
Semi-Support Build II -This is best if you want viper support the team's mvp hero on the lane
- Starting Items - 2 tangos, 1 flask, the rest to branches
- Early to mid game items - dagger, power threads, mekansm, wards(if needed), wraith bands(not necessary if you have gained lots of gold)
- Late game items - Sange and Yasha, Monkey King Bar
- Skill Build : poison attack, stats, poison attack, stats, poison attack, viper strike, poison attack, corrosive skin, stats, corrosive skin, viper strike, corrosive skin, frenzy, corrosive skin, stats, frenzy, viper strike, then assign the rest.
When you choose this build, you are most probably with another hero(most likely an mvp hero) in the lane. Just keep harassing your enemies with poison attack while denying your own creeps. Give all the creeps kills to the mvp hero as much as possible...even the hero kills. If you are constantly ganked in your lane by enemy heroes, provide wards. Keep your mvp hero safe while maintaining a safe distance so the enemy heroes can't attack you directly with ease. When you already have dagger, it's time for you and the mvp to be aggressive. Always try to go for the kill whenever you have your viper strike ready. And when you already have the mekansm, you can even hunt the enemy even if he is hiding behind his team's tower. You must have town portal with you every time so you can also support your other teammates. With mekansm, you save them lots of time and yourself too specially that you have your dagger. If you play this very well, you can buy Sange & Yasha, Monkey King Bar and others later on and still become very useful late game.
MVP Build -This build is best if you will rely on viper to be a strong killing machine on your team
- Starting Items - 2 tangos, 1 flask, the rest to branches
- Early to mid game items - relic, power threads, wraith bands(if you have hard time getting relic but go for relic after this)
- Late game items - Radiance, Sange & Yasha, Heart of Tarrasque or Black King Bar(if enemy has lots of stunners and/or very damaging spells), Monkey King Bar
- Skill Build : poison attack, stats, poison attack, stats, poison attack, viper strike, poison attack, corrosive skin, stats, corrosive skin, viper strike, corrosive skin, frenzy, corrosive skin, stats, frenzy, viper strike, then assign the rest.
Farm for items from early game to mid game. Even in late game depending on the sitution. Focus on getting your items specially relic because this is the most difficult part. When you have radiance, it will be easier after that. Always get the creep and hero kills and ask for your teammates' help if you are having a hard time. You can even switch lane or go to creep camps if that is what it takes to get your items. Always bring town portal so you can use it to escape enemy attacks. You can also use it to help your teammates from other lanes but only do this if there is a little chance that you will die specially if you can kill at least 1 enemy enemy hero when you go for the rescue. Aside from that, just keep farming. You will come out later on....very strong. :D
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