Kael, The Invoker Guide By HybridCore
Written by admin on May 30th, 2008 Author of this guide is HybridCore

The Invoker is an advanced skilled hero. Having three reagents with him, Quas, Wex & Exort and by combining them you form a new spell. He has disappeared from the DotA Allstars scene for almost 40 versions. He was the epiphany of imba and he still is! He is a combination of many heroes but being range, he shouldn’t really be tanking.
The Invoker is a caster with a bit of DPS on his hands. His reagents no longer provide him with attributes making him dependent on items to increase his health but the reagents do provide regen, attack speed and move speed, & damage. The Invoker does well in pushing lineups, can do very well in AoE lineups and can engage enemies with ease. Whatever your team needs, he can adjust.
You are a pseudo-carry hero as your main focus is to level up constantly by creeping and participating in ganks whenever possible. I will detail each spell and the combinations involve. But he is still, in a way, imbalanced in term of his style of play. This hero was never meant to be played with inexperience teammates so if your team can’t hold on till you reach level 20 then choosing this hero isn’t advisable.


Quas (Q)
0.75 HP regen per level per instance. Level 1 – 0.75 HP (02.25 HP)
Level 2 – 1.50 HP (04.50 HP)
Level 3 – 2.25 HP (06.75 HP)
Level 4 – 3.00 HP (09.00 HP)
Level 5 – 3.75 HP (11.25 HP)
Level 6 – 4.50 HP (13.50 HP)
Level 7 – 5.25 HP (15.75 HP)

Wex (W)
Gives 2% AS and 1% MS per level per instance.
Level 1 – 02% AS and 1% MS (06% AS and 03% MS)
Level 2 – 04% AS and 2% MS (12% AS and 06% MS)
Level 3 – 06% AS and 3% MS (18% AS and 09% MS)
Level 4 – 08% AS and 4% MS (24% AS and 12% MS)
Level 5 – 10% AS and 5% MS (30% AS and 15% MS)
Level 6 – 12% AS and 6% MS (36% AS and 18% MS)
Level 7 – 14% AS and 7% MS (42% AS and 21% MS)

Exort (E)
3 damage per level per instance.
Level 1 – 03 Damage (09 Damage)
Level 2 – 06 Damage (18 Damage)
Level 3 – 09 Damage (27 Damage)
Level 4 – 12 Damage (36 Damage)
Level 5 – 15 Damage (45 Damage)
Level 6 – 18 Damage (54 Damage)
Level 7 – 21 Damage (63 Damage)

Learn Invoke®
Combines the properties of the elements currently being manipulated creating a new spell at Invoker’s disposal. The invoked spell is determined by the combinations of Quas, Wex, and Exort.
Level 1 – 1 Invoke, 30 CD
Level 2 – 2 Invoke, 30 CD
Level 3 – 2 Invoke, 15 CD
Level 4 – 2 Invoke, 05 CD
Cooldown: 30/30/15/05
Manacost: 20/40/60/80

Deafening Blast QWE B
Invoker unleashes a mighty sonic wave in front of him, dealing up to 280 damage to any enemy unit it collides with based on Exort. The sheer impact from the blast is enough to knock those enemy units back for a maximum of 1.75 seconds based on Quas, in addition to preventing their attacks for a further 1-4 seconds based on Wex.
Quas – 0.25/0.50/0.75/1.00/1.25/1.50/1.75
Wex – 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0
Exort – 40/80/120/160/200/240/280
Cooldown: 25
Manacost: 200

Cold Snap QQQ Y
Invoker draws the heat from an enemy, chilling them to their very core for up to 6 seconds based on Quas. Any damage taken in this state will briefly stun them for 0.4 seconds and deal 30 damage. Triggers cooldown goes from 0.8 to 0.6 seconds based on Quas.
Quas – 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0/5.5/6.0 (Duration)
Quas – 0.8/0.8/0.7/0.7/0.7/0.6/0.6 (Cooldown)
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 100

Ghost Walk QQW V
Invoker manipulates the ice and electrical energies around him, rendering his body invisible. The elemental imbalance created as a consequence slows nearby enemies by up to 40% based on Quas, and Invoker from 30% to 0% based on Wex.
Quas – 10/15/20/25/30/35/40%
Wex – 30/25/20/15/10/5/0%
Cooldown: 60
Manacost: 300

Ice Wall QQE G
Generates a wall of solid ice directly in front of invoker for up to 10 seconds. The bitter cold emanating from its greatly slows nearby enemies based on Quas and deals up to 30 damage each second based on Exort.
Quas – 20/40/60/80/100/120/140%
Wex – 5/10/15/20/25/30/35
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 125

Alacrity WWW Z
Invoker infuses an ally with an immense surge of energy, increasing their attack speed to a maximum of 160% based on Wex for 5 seconds.
Wex – 40/60/80/100/120/140/160%
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 125

Tornado WWQ X
Unleashes a fast moving tornado that picks up enemy units in its path, suspending them helplessly in the air shortly before allowing them to plummet to their doom. Deals 375 damage based on Wex and Quas, with distance up to 3100 based on Wex. Holds enemies in the air for up to 2.2 seconds based on Quas.
Quas – 85/110/125/140/157.5/172.5/187.5 (Damage)
Quas – 1.00/1.20/1.40/1.60/1.80/2.00/2.2 (Duration)
Wex – 85/110/125/140/157.5/172.5/187.5 (Damage)
Wex – 700/1100/1500/1900/2300/2700/3100 (Range)
Cooldown: 25
Manacost: 150

Invoker builds up a charge of electromagnetc energy at a targeted location which automatically detonates after 2-4 seconds based on Wex. The detonation covers a 700 area, dealing up to 300 damage based on Exort and draining up to 400 mana based on Wex.
Quas – 100/150/180/210/240/270/300
Wex – 100/150/200/250/300/350/400
Cooldown: 40
Manacost: 250

Sun Strike EEE T
Sends a catastrophic ray of fiery energy from the sun at any targeted location after 1.7 second delay, incinerating all enemies standing beneath it. Deals 75-450 damage based on Exort which is spread over all enemy units within its 200 AoE.
Wex – 75/160/200/250/320/400/450
Cooldown: 60
Manacost: 250

Chaos Meteor EEW D
Invoker pulls a flaming meteor from space onto the targeted location. Upon landing, the meteor rolls forward dealing up to 260 damage per sec based on Exort for up to 1550 range based on Wex. Deals minor residual damage to units that get it.
Wex – 500/675/850/1025/1200/1375/1550
Exort – 80/110/140/170/200/230/260
Cooldown: 30
Manacost: 200

Forge Spirit EEQ F
Invoker forges a spirit embodying the strength of fire and fortitude of Ice. Attack range, damage, and life is based on Exort while mana, duration, and armor is based on Quas. The elementals scorching attack is capable of melting the armor on enemy heroes by 1 each hit to a maximum of 10 for 5 seconds. By maxing Quas and Exort. Invoker is capable of creating 2 spirits instead of one.
Lava Spawn
Attack Range: 300/400/500/600/700/800/900 (Exort)
Hit Points: 300/400/500/600/700/800/900 (Exort)
Damage: 29/38/47/56/65/74/83 (Exort)
Armor: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 (Quas)
Mana Base: 100/150/200/250/300/350/400 (Quas)
Duration: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80 (Quas)
Mana Regen: 4
Movement Speed: 320
Cooldown: 70
Manacost: 200
Combination: QWE
Mechanics: The skill deals magical damage and knocks enemies back to about 100 range for a maximum of 1.75 seconds. Enemy heroes may still cast spells though after the knock back stun.
Strategics: This is both an offensive and defensive ability. This skill possesses an old skill called “pacifist†(Classic Necronomicon had this). It prevents enemies from attacking which helps greatly against heroes who rely more on their normal attacks (Phantom Assassin, Faceless Void, etc.). You should use this spell to initiate or to disrupt the battle flow.
Cold Snap
Combination: QQQ
Mechanics: A negative buff on enemy units and it lasts a maximum 6 seconds. Any damage taken in this state will briefly stun them for 0.4 seconds and deal 30 damage. Triggers cooldown goes from 0.8 to 0.6 seconds based on Quas.
Strategics: Enemy heroes can get permastunned with this coupled with you and an ally’s attack but don’t attack if you can invoke another skill. You can make use of this when your allies have their own means of generating attackspeed. With 6 seconds, you can potentially inflict 200 damage on a single target.
Ghost Walk
Combination: QQW
Mechanics: Invoker becomes invisible and can move freely slowing enemy units around him. The cooldown of invisisbilty is 100 seconds. You can break invisibility if you initiate an active command. The effect of Ghost Walk is easily recognized by the icy effects on opponents just like Radiance.
Strategics: Mainly used for escaping and backstabbing but is easily countered by truesight. You should use this skill together with 3 levels of Wex to achieve your maximum movespeed.
Ice Wall
Combination: QQE
Mechanics: Creates a wall of ice in front of Invoker, you cannot target its position. Ally units may pass this without a problem but enemy units are slowed by a large amount and receive very little damage from this.
Strategics: Great for escaping and great for stopping enemies in their tracks. This skill is more of a disable since they hardly escape making great use of AoE spells. If you have dagger, you can blink in front of heroes and use it to block enemy escape routes for a few seconds. I don’t find this spell useful.
Combination: WWW
Mechanics: Affects ally units only and increases their attackspeed for 5 seconds.
Strategics: You can use this on yourself if you are better suited than the closest ally. Use it on heroes that revolve around their attack and use it when they are already attacking to make use of those 5 seconds. Tiny is a great example of an ally who will usually need it.
Combination: WWQ
Mechanics: The longest range nuke in game with 3100. This skill needs two reagents to reach its full damage and lifts enemies into the air (2.2 secs max based on Quas).
Strategics: This is simple to use, use it with any combination of spells. You can also use this to snipe or scout large portions of the map. The skill revolves around Wex and Quas which is not a very helpful combination in the skill build. The skill needs to be maxed out for it to be deadly. I do not prioritize the use of this skill, it’s useful late game because both Quas and Wex will be maximized by then.
Combination: WWE
Mechanics: Deals magical damage. It gives 300 damage and burns up to 400 mana and affects units within 700 range. Has a 2~4 second detonation where units within its range are pushed back to a certain degree.
Strategics: This is not meant for farming but rather the main point of this spell is to burn enough mana during team battles. The skill is more effective against heroes with low base mana such as Strength heroes. The spell is effective mid game where Wex will be at a decent level in burning mana. Use it in the middle of team battles to scatter opponents.
Sun Strike
Combination: EEE
Mechanics: Maximum damage is 450 and it deals magical damage; the 450 damage will split if there are more than 2 targets in an area of 200. The skill is global and you can target in unexplored or fogged areas.
Strategics: The skill is great to use once Invoke has been learnt where you should have 2 levels of Exort dealing 160 damage and so on. It is best used to help allies on the opposite lanes for harassment especially when your allies are single targeting stunners. But this has the longest cooldown of any of his nuking spells with 60 seconds because of it being global to avoid spamming. Compare this skill with Lina’s Light Strike Array or Leshrac’s Split Earth, good timing is all you need to land a perfect strike.
Chaos Meteor
Combination: EEW
Mechanics: It deals magical damage. It has a maximum range of 1550. The residual damage is the actual percentage of the impact onto the target and deals x%.
Strategics: This is your strongest spell in your arsenal and it is great for farming due to its damage overtime. This skill kills creeps instantly almost throughout the game so it never really runs out of power. Because of its damage overtime and the way the meteor moves, it forces enemy heroes to scatter during team battles.
Forge Spirit
Combination: EEQ
Mechanics: Look in Skills Descriptions. This skill revolves around summons that can be purged or dispelled. They decrease the armor of HEROES ONLY.
Strategics: I’d recommend the pushing strategy for this. They actually contribute more than the silly Eidolons because they deal full damage on almost anything. They can help last hit early although not important due to their time duration. Use these guys together with Necronomicon to achieve their full potential.

Quas – 2,19,21,22,23,24,25
Wex – 4,7,9,12,14,17,18
Exort – 1,3,6,8,11,13,16
Learn Invoke – 5,10,15,20
We want at least one level of Quas, Wex & Exort in there in order to remain versatile the whole game. Exort and Wex are to be maximized first and then Quas. Learn Invoke whenever available and finally maximize Quas. One level of Quas is needed solely because of its combination involved to use certain spells. Quas’ bonuses are not as helpful as Exort and Wex. Exort provides damage which is good for last hit creeping while Wex’ usefulness comes into spells and the movespeed bonus is always helpful. Focusing on Exort and Wex allows you to damage and amplify the range of spells and the duration of some effects. Quas focuses more on a pushing style in regards to his summon and the ability to slow down enemies.
The Pushing Invoker
Quas – 2,7,8,11,13,17,18
Wex – 4,19,21,22,23,24,25
Exort – 1,3,6,7,9,14,16
Learn Invoke – 5,10,15,20
We alternate between Exort and Quas while leveling Wex last. Leveling Quas early game is better than leveling it at mid game because the bonuses are pointless if left at level 1. The build focuses on Forge Spirit which means we will be concentrating on some heavy pushing. This strategy would include heroes like: Syllabear, Pugna, Rhasta, and Enigma although the list is not exclusive. The build follows Necronomicon as the Extension item. Not forgetting that maximizing both Exort and Quas gives you two lava spawns.
Wards are essential for the team and they are essential to your survivability; buy them when necessary. Carry TP Scrolls if necessary and eventually acquire Boots of Travels. When you finish Travels, gold becomes abundant so buying wards for the team becomes your job.
Bracers – usually 3 circlets are enough but if surviving early game is easy then upgrading them is unnecessary and you can opt for a better item in Ultimate Orb or even a Point Booster. You should have at least 2 bracers to benefit from stats (to help keep your health above 1000) and 3 bracers for safety measures.
Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse – the new and improved but expensive sheepstick actually helps out due to that Ultimate Orb added into the recipe. The stats provided and the much needed Hex adds to your versatility for the team. The mana regen doesn’t make much of an impact since the majority of spells cost over 200 mana.
Linken Sphere – this is your first major stat item if you face a lot of single targeting stunner. The much needed survivability and the mana regen helps you remain with your teammates during team battles.

Eye of Skadi *Luxury* – if your teammates are not in need of Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse or Linkin Sphere then it might be more advisable to go for this. The components of Eye of Skadi are very helpful for the Invoker. Unlike most heroes who try to get this for its frost attack, Invoker makes use of the health, mana, armor, strength, agility and intelligence. You can become a DPS hero with Orchid Malevolence (not to ignore Guinsoo), survive longer with Satanic while invoking Alacrity on yourself and invoking Cold Snap on an enemy. Used mostly in pubs since DPS is everything in pubs.
Necronomicon – I recommend this item if you are moving towards being a pusher. With Quas and Exort, you can have your team focus more on pushing. The stats provide INT and the much needed STR for the Invoker. The Endurance aura is great since you will only have one level of Wex early on. The mana burn is of course just an added nuke to your arsenal and as an added plus, Necronomicon 3 gains truesight.
Orchid Malevolence – this is another utility item for the Invoker and just like Eul’s Scepter, you get it when your team needs it. The damage amplification can potentially kill a single target once focused fired and is actually helpful against heroes like Faceless Void. This item has become the alternative to AC in terms of IAS for INT heroes since the recipe change.

Although the term can be deceiving, you are half a battle mage and half a caster. You are also half a carry hero because of the constant leveling. At level 20 you become a formidable FoE.
Your play style is to be played like Earthshaker (You stop pushes and render enemies helpless) and Zeus (You stay away from enemy fire while casting your spells); both of these guys have one thing in common and that is to join a gank when you can and supporting your teammates. But you NEVER tank for the team, it is your teamss job to have you survive unless you are not the prime carry of the team
Invoker has no casting animation when casting a spell but he does laugh after he succeeds in doing so. Because he has no casting animation, this enables you to hit the opponent after casting a spell and you can move freely at the same time. Take advantage of this.
Channel Disrupt:[
You can disrupt channeling spells with Deafening Blast and EMP due to their knock back effect although Deafening is highly favored. Tornado also works because of the cyclone so the same goes with Eul’s Scepter. You can also use Cold Snap for its mini-stun effect and of course if you have sheepstick, use it.
Rune Check:
Haste is great, in a way, that all you need is 3 levels of Exort and any two combinations of nukes with you. Double Damage is great since you all you need are 3 levels of Wex for the AS and MS. Regen is your greatest asset early game if you are low on mana. And get Invisibility to run away or set up Ice Wall or any other spell for that matter.
Combining Nukes:
This contains Deafening Blast, Chaos Meteor, & Tornado/Sun Strike. The only exception to this combo is Tornado because you need both Quas and Wex for it to do any real damage so in this case, we use Sun Strike as a finishing maneauver. Deafening Blast and Chaos Meteor should already be invoked. Open up with Chaos Meteor and then Deafening Blast for the knock-back effect. Tornado/Sun Strike will be a finishing blow or else an added nuke. EMP is neglected because opponents have an easy time dodging this spell. Of course, this all works even better when you have allies around.
Ghost Wall:
This contains Ice Wall and Ghost Walk. This combination is very helpful at slowing down opponents. You start off by using Ghost Walk to move ahead of opponents and casting Ice Wall afterwards for your teammates to catch up. Cast Deafening Blast to push back opponents as an added effect.
Ghost Hunting:
Simply activate Ghost Walk and hunt for victims with some of your deadly combinations (although limited before level 20) but be wary of True Sight. Ghost Walk lasts longer than the cooldown of the spell but your presence is easily recognizable by a frost effect on enemies and you need 3 levels of Wex to get your movespeed up early on. You can scout and escape with this.
Cold Snap-Alacrity:
This contains Cold Snap and Alactriy (…they really do). Cast Alacrity first and then Cold Snap and watch your ministuns fly. This combination lasts a few seconds but the cooldowns are short so an ally with a stun should be assisting. If an ally is better off with Alacrity then give it to him.
Forge Spirit Frenzy:
These are helpful against towers and they are BETTER than heroes early on (same concept with my Conversion/Malefice). This works by conjuring a Lava Spawn and casting Cold Snap on an enemy or casting Alacrity on the Lava Spawn, but either way the damage should hurt for a short time. Use the Pushing Invoker, you can have two of these guys by level 18 and they get a range of 900 and can outshoot towers and heroes. Cast Ice Wall if needed for added support. If you want IMBA, I’d wish these guys could replicate just as they do in ladder hahaha.

Invoking – You can’t do much before level 10 because you can’t invoke more than one spell and it takes almost all your mana to cast two/three spells. After level 10, you have two spells and these two spells are there for you to adapt to the gameplay. In other words, if you are not going to use Ice Wall then invoke something else.
Invoking is split into stages based on Invoke and Skill Build:
Soloing – You can solo against heroes that have no disables like Shadow Fiend, Troll, or any other range carry. Exort (and possibly Quas for lane stability) is the reason for this and you can take advantage by going in mid because of the hills although risky but you can’t solo against dual nukers.
Getting Ganked – Activate Wex for the movement speed bonus after you Invoke your main spell. Your main spell is either Ghost Walk or Ice Wall but early on, Ice Wall is enough because Ghost Walk costs 300 mana to cast. If you have an ally with you, you can try to go on the offense with Deafening Blast and Cold Snap. If your ally is reliant on physical attacks, cast Alacrity on him and assist.
Ganking – You should have Invoke Level 2. Your most favorable skill is Deafening Blast to open a gank and while they are pushed back. As soon as Deafening Blast hits, you should have either EMP or Chaos Meteor as the second Invoke for more added damage. Tornado/Sun Strike should be invoked as a final maneuver. Ghost Walk or run away if necessary.
Farming – Farming is one of Invoker’s main strong points. Your strongest farming skill is Chaos Meteor plus any added nuke. If you jungle, invoke Forge Spirit for added support. For this to happen, you need Linken Sphere to continue farming efficiently. Don’t farm too much though; you should engage in ganking to earn more experience since what you are really after is level 20.
Pushing – Invoker is a good pusher and a great one when he maximizes Exort and Quas. With Forge Spirit, you can push early with your teammates. You can mow down creeps with Chaos Meteor and you can cast Ice Wall to slow down the opposition. With Deafening Blast in your arsenal, you are actually keeping your own creeps and allies alive when tower diving.
5v5 Battles (defensive) – With 10 Spells in your arsenal, you’d be giving enemies a difficult time. Ice Wall effectively annoys opponents and prevents them from doing anything beyond its border. Use two nukes to effectively kill creep waves. But as a warning, do not spam spells if Pugna and his Nether Ward are there!
5v5 Battles (offensive) – Your initiators should engage as fast as possible. As soon as they’ve done their job, it is time for you to do yours. Follow up with EMP as your first move and then Deafening Blast; rinse and repeat. If you have Guinsoo, hex the deadliest target and if possible, combine it with Cold Snap and have your teammates focus on him. Tornado any red health enemies, with its long range there should really be no problem. Cast Alacrity on your DPS hero and Ghost Walk. Ghost Walk on the offense, slows down opponents and allows your team to keep up with them. The possibilities are endless.

Invoker is based off Blood Mage of normal ladder although nothing like his counterpart since Blood Mages only concentrate on fiery spells. This hero was originally classic Lina in older versions of DotA before IceFrog took over the project. It makes sense since all of Lina’s Spells were based off the Blood Mage.
However, he feels like their efforts to help are being ignored, and the mistreatment for the Blood Elves is humiliating. Being left to die near Dalaran, the Prince finds himself in the decision to live by allying with the Naga, or dying alone. They join the Naga, and are trapped as traitors by the alliance.
With the help of Lady Vashj, Kael rallies his people in a daring escape from Dalaran, and joins Illidan on his quest to destroy Magtheridon, and finally the Frozen Throne.
He was very likely killed during the assault on the Frozen Throne Tower, or killed in the aftermath.

“Arhat” for the great headers. He’s taken much of his time just to make them and I appreciate all of his efforts.
“Baconzilla” for the great title header of Kael.
“Beast_pete” for introducing the new template.
“IceFrog and his crew” for bringing back the imba.
Hope you enjoyed reading the guide although more information could have been added but it would be totally unnecessary since you don’t have to use all his spells in a single game. Every game is different so learn, adapt, use and abuse him and I ensure that your team should not be losing.
The Invoker is an advanced skilled hero. Having three reagents with him, Quas, Wex & Exort and by combining them you form a new spell. He has disappeared from the DotA Allstars scene for almost 40 versions. He was the epiphany of imba and he still is! He is a combination of many heroes but being range, he shouldn’t really be tanking.
The Invoker is a caster with a bit of DPS on his hands. His reagents no longer provide him with attributes making him dependent on items to increase his health but the reagents do provide regen, attack speed and move speed, & damage. The Invoker does well in pushing lineups, can do very well in AoE lineups and can engage enemies with ease. Whatever your team needs, he can adjust.
You are a pseudo-carry hero as your main focus is to level up constantly by creeping and participating in ganks whenever possible. I will detail each spell and the combinations involve. But he is still, in a way, imbalanced in term of his style of play. This hero was never meant to be played with inexperience teammates so if your team can’t hold on till you reach level 20 then choosing this hero isn’t advisable.
Hero’s Story
Skills Description
Quas (Q)
0.75 HP regen per level per instance. Level 1 – 0.75 HP (02.25 HP)
Level 2 – 1.50 HP (04.50 HP)
Level 3 – 2.25 HP (06.75 HP)
Level 4 – 3.00 HP (09.00 HP)
Level 5 – 3.75 HP (11.25 HP)
Level 6 – 4.50 HP (13.50 HP)
Level 7 – 5.25 HP (15.75 HP)
Wex (W)
Gives 2% AS and 1% MS per level per instance.
Level 1 – 02% AS and 1% MS (06% AS and 03% MS)
Level 2 – 04% AS and 2% MS (12% AS and 06% MS)
Level 3 – 06% AS and 3% MS (18% AS and 09% MS)
Level 4 – 08% AS and 4% MS (24% AS and 12% MS)
Level 5 – 10% AS and 5% MS (30% AS and 15% MS)
Level 6 – 12% AS and 6% MS (36% AS and 18% MS)
Level 7 – 14% AS and 7% MS (42% AS and 21% MS)
Exort (E)
3 damage per level per instance.
Level 1 – 03 Damage (09 Damage)
Level 2 – 06 Damage (18 Damage)
Level 3 – 09 Damage (27 Damage)
Level 4 – 12 Damage (36 Damage)
Level 5 – 15 Damage (45 Damage)
Level 6 – 18 Damage (54 Damage)
Level 7 – 21 Damage (63 Damage)
Learn Invoke®
Combines the properties of the elements currently being manipulated creating a new spell at Invoker’s disposal. The invoked spell is determined by the combinations of Quas, Wex, and Exort.
Level 1 – 1 Invoke, 30 CD
Level 2 – 2 Invoke, 30 CD
Level 3 – 2 Invoke, 15 CD
Level 4 – 2 Invoke, 05 CD
Cooldown: 30/30/15/05
Manacost: 20/40/60/80
Invoked Spells
Deafening Blast QWE B
Invoker unleashes a mighty sonic wave in front of him, dealing up to 280 damage to any enemy unit it collides with based on Exort. The sheer impact from the blast is enough to knock those enemy units back for a maximum of 1.75 seconds based on Quas, in addition to preventing their attacks for a further 1-4 seconds based on Wex.
Quas – 0.25/0.50/0.75/1.00/1.25/1.50/1.75
Wex – 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0
Exort – 40/80/120/160/200/240/280
Cooldown: 25
Manacost: 200
Cold Snap QQQ Y
Invoker draws the heat from an enemy, chilling them to their very core for up to 6 seconds based on Quas. Any damage taken in this state will briefly stun them for 0.4 seconds and deal 30 damage. Triggers cooldown goes from 0.8 to 0.6 seconds based on Quas.
Quas – 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0/5.5/6.0 (Duration)
Quas – 0.8/0.8/0.7/0.7/0.7/0.6/0.6 (Cooldown)
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 100
Ghost Walk QQW V
Invoker manipulates the ice and electrical energies around him, rendering his body invisible. The elemental imbalance created as a consequence slows nearby enemies by up to 40% based on Quas, and Invoker from 30% to 0% based on Wex.
Quas – 10/15/20/25/30/35/40%
Wex – 30/25/20/15/10/5/0%
Cooldown: 60
Manacost: 300
Ice Wall QQE G
Generates a wall of solid ice directly in front of invoker for up to 10 seconds. The bitter cold emanating from its greatly slows nearby enemies based on Quas and deals up to 30 damage each second based on Exort.
Quas – 20/40/60/80/100/120/140%
Wex – 5/10/15/20/25/30/35
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 125
Alacrity WWW Z
Invoker infuses an ally with an immense surge of energy, increasing their attack speed to a maximum of 160% based on Wex for 5 seconds.
Wex – 40/60/80/100/120/140/160%
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 125
Tornado WWQ X
Unleashes a fast moving tornado that picks up enemy units in its path, suspending them helplessly in the air shortly before allowing them to plummet to their doom. Deals 375 damage based on Wex and Quas, with distance up to 3100 based on Wex. Holds enemies in the air for up to 2.2 seconds based on Quas.
Quas – 85/110/125/140/157.5/172.5/187.5 (Damage)
Quas – 1.00/1.20/1.40/1.60/1.80/2.00/2.2 (Duration)
Wex – 85/110/125/140/157.5/172.5/187.5 (Damage)
Wex – 700/1100/1500/1900/2300/2700/3100 (Range)
Cooldown: 25
Manacost: 150
Invoker builds up a charge of electromagnetc energy at a targeted location which automatically detonates after 2-4 seconds based on Wex. The detonation covers a 700 area, dealing up to 300 damage based on Exort and draining up to 400 mana based on Wex.
Quas – 100/150/180/210/240/270/300
Wex – 100/150/200/250/300/350/400
Cooldown: 40
Manacost: 250
Sun Strike EEE T
Sends a catastrophic ray of fiery energy from the sun at any targeted location after 1.7 second delay, incinerating all enemies standing beneath it. Deals 75-450 damage based on Exort which is spread over all enemy units within its 200 AoE.
Wex – 75/160/200/250/320/400/450
Cooldown: 60
Manacost: 250
Chaos Meteor EEW D
Invoker pulls a flaming meteor from space onto the targeted location. Upon landing, the meteor rolls forward dealing up to 260 damage per sec based on Exort for up to 1550 range based on Wex. Deals minor residual damage to units that get it.
Wex – 500/675/850/1025/1200/1375/1550
Exort – 80/110/140/170/200/230/260
Cooldown: 30
Manacost: 200
Forge Spirit EEQ F
Invoker forges a spirit embodying the strength of fire and fortitude of Ice. Attack range, damage, and life is based on Exort while mana, duration, and armor is based on Quas. The elementals scorching attack is capable of melting the armor on enemy heroes by 1 each hit to a maximum of 10 for 5 seconds. By maxing Quas and Exort. Invoker is capable of creating 2 spirits instead of one.
Lava Spawn
Attack Range: 300/400/500/600/700/800/900 (Exort)
Hit Points: 300/400/500/600/700/800/900 (Exort)
Damage: 29/38/47/56/65/74/83 (Exort)
Armor: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 (Quas)
Mana Base: 100/150/200/250/300/350/400 (Quas)
Duration: 20/30/40/50/60/70/80 (Quas)
Mana Regen: 4
Movement Speed: 320
Cooldown: 70
Manacost: 200
Invoked Spells & Usage
If the skill is in cooldown, it will remain in cooldown. The skill will not refresh if it is invoked again.
You will also falter every time you cast one of your reagents but this was not an issue with the old invoker.
Deafening BlastIf the skill is in cooldown, it will remain in cooldown. The skill will not refresh if it is invoked again.
You will also falter every time you cast one of your reagents but this was not an issue with the old invoker.
Combination: QWE
Mechanics: The skill deals magical damage and knocks enemies back to about 100 range for a maximum of 1.75 seconds. Enemy heroes may still cast spells though after the knock back stun.
Strategics: This is both an offensive and defensive ability. This skill possesses an old skill called “pacifist†(Classic Necronomicon had this). It prevents enemies from attacking which helps greatly against heroes who rely more on their normal attacks (Phantom Assassin, Faceless Void, etc.). You should use this spell to initiate or to disrupt the battle flow.
Cold Snap
Combination: QQQ
Mechanics: A negative buff on enemy units and it lasts a maximum 6 seconds. Any damage taken in this state will briefly stun them for 0.4 seconds and deal 30 damage. Triggers cooldown goes from 0.8 to 0.6 seconds based on Quas.
Strategics: Enemy heroes can get permastunned with this coupled with you and an ally’s attack but don’t attack if you can invoke another skill. You can make use of this when your allies have their own means of generating attackspeed. With 6 seconds, you can potentially inflict 200 damage on a single target.
Ghost Walk
Combination: QQW
Mechanics: Invoker becomes invisible and can move freely slowing enemy units around him. The cooldown of invisisbilty is 100 seconds. You can break invisibility if you initiate an active command. The effect of Ghost Walk is easily recognized by the icy effects on opponents just like Radiance.
Strategics: Mainly used for escaping and backstabbing but is easily countered by truesight. You should use this skill together with 3 levels of Wex to achieve your maximum movespeed.
Ice Wall
Combination: QQE
Mechanics: Creates a wall of ice in front of Invoker, you cannot target its position. Ally units may pass this without a problem but enemy units are slowed by a large amount and receive very little damage from this.
Strategics: Great for escaping and great for stopping enemies in their tracks. This skill is more of a disable since they hardly escape making great use of AoE spells. If you have dagger, you can blink in front of heroes and use it to block enemy escape routes for a few seconds. I don’t find this spell useful.
Combination: WWW
Mechanics: Affects ally units only and increases their attackspeed for 5 seconds.
Strategics: You can use this on yourself if you are better suited than the closest ally. Use it on heroes that revolve around their attack and use it when they are already attacking to make use of those 5 seconds. Tiny is a great example of an ally who will usually need it.
Combination: WWQ
Mechanics: The longest range nuke in game with 3100. This skill needs two reagents to reach its full damage and lifts enemies into the air (2.2 secs max based on Quas).
Strategics: This is simple to use, use it with any combination of spells. You can also use this to snipe or scout large portions of the map. The skill revolves around Wex and Quas which is not a very helpful combination in the skill build. The skill needs to be maxed out for it to be deadly. I do not prioritize the use of this skill, it’s useful late game because both Quas and Wex will be maximized by then.
Combination: WWE
Mechanics: Deals magical damage. It gives 300 damage and burns up to 400 mana and affects units within 700 range. Has a 2~4 second detonation where units within its range are pushed back to a certain degree.
Strategics: This is not meant for farming but rather the main point of this spell is to burn enough mana during team battles. The skill is more effective against heroes with low base mana such as Strength heroes. The spell is effective mid game where Wex will be at a decent level in burning mana. Use it in the middle of team battles to scatter opponents.
Sun Strike
Combination: EEE
Mechanics: Maximum damage is 450 and it deals magical damage; the 450 damage will split if there are more than 2 targets in an area of 200. The skill is global and you can target in unexplored or fogged areas.
Strategics: The skill is great to use once Invoke has been learnt where you should have 2 levels of Exort dealing 160 damage and so on. It is best used to help allies on the opposite lanes for harassment especially when your allies are single targeting stunners. But this has the longest cooldown of any of his nuking spells with 60 seconds because of it being global to avoid spamming. Compare this skill with Lina’s Light Strike Array or Leshrac’s Split Earth, good timing is all you need to land a perfect strike.
Chaos Meteor
Combination: EEW
Mechanics: It deals magical damage. It has a maximum range of 1550. The residual damage is the actual percentage of the impact onto the target and deals x%.
Strategics: This is your strongest spell in your arsenal and it is great for farming due to its damage overtime. This skill kills creeps instantly almost throughout the game so it never really runs out of power. Because of its damage overtime and the way the meteor moves, it forces enemy heroes to scatter during team battles.
Forge Spirit
Combination: EEQ
Mechanics: Look in Skills Descriptions. This skill revolves around summons that can be purged or dispelled. They decrease the armor of HEROES ONLY.
Strategics: I’d recommend the pushing strategy for this. They actually contribute more than the silly Eidolons because they deal full damage on almost anything. They can help last hit early although not important due to their time duration. Use these guys together with Necronomicon to achieve their full potential.
Skill Build with Justifications
These skill builds were meant to adapt to certain types of teams but due to your versatilty, the late stages of the game are always the same. Both Skill Builds concentrate on Exort!
The Aggressive InvokerQuas – 2,19,21,22,23,24,25
Wex – 4,7,9,12,14,17,18
Exort – 1,3,6,8,11,13,16
Learn Invoke – 5,10,15,20
We want at least one level of Quas, Wex & Exort in there in order to remain versatile the whole game. Exort and Wex are to be maximized first and then Quas. Learn Invoke whenever available and finally maximize Quas. One level of Quas is needed solely because of its combination involved to use certain spells. Quas’ bonuses are not as helpful as Exort and Wex. Exort provides damage which is good for last hit creeping while Wex’ usefulness comes into spells and the movespeed bonus is always helpful. Focusing on Exort and Wex allows you to damage and amplify the range of spells and the duration of some effects. Quas focuses more on a pushing style in regards to his summon and the ability to slow down enemies.
The Pushing Invoker
Quas – 2,7,8,11,13,17,18
Wex – 4,19,21,22,23,24,25
Exort – 1,3,6,7,9,14,16
Learn Invoke – 5,10,15,20
We alternate between Exort and Quas while leveling Wex last. Leveling Quas early game is better than leveling it at mid game because the bonuses are pointless if left at level 1. The build focuses on Forge Spirit which means we will be concentrating on some heavy pushing. This strategy would include heroes like: Syllabear, Pugna, Rhasta, and Enigma although the list is not exclusive. The build follows Necronomicon as the Extension item. Not forgetting that maximizing both Exort and Quas gives you two lava spawns.
Item Build with Justifications 
Strength – 19 + 1.4 | Agility – 20 + 1.9 | Intelligence – 22 + 2.5
Attack Range: 600 | Movement Speed: 280
Invoker’s lowest stat growth is his strength with 1.4 per level. He doesn’t gain any attribute bonuses to help him out so we can only fix this through items. His survivability is a question because you give enemies a lot of reasons to target you first. You seriously need health and mana items so if they revolve around Ultimate Orb then it will work in invoker’s favor.Attack Range: 600 | Movement Speed: 280
Wards are essential for the team and they are essential to your survivability; buy them when necessary. Carry TP Scrolls if necessary and eventually acquire Boots of Travels. When you finish Travels, gold becomes abundant so buying wards for the team becomes your job.
Bracers – usually 3 circlets are enough but if surviving early game is easy then upgrading them is unnecessary and you can opt for a better item in Ultimate Orb or even a Point Booster. You should have at least 2 bracers to benefit from stats (to help keep your health above 1000) and 3 bracers for safety measures.
Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse – the new and improved but expensive sheepstick actually helps out due to that Ultimate Orb added into the recipe. The stats provided and the much needed Hex adds to your versatility for the team. The mana regen doesn’t make much of an impact since the majority of spells cost over 200 mana.
Linken Sphere – this is your first major stat item if you face a lot of single targeting stunner. The much needed survivability and the mana regen helps you remain with your teammates during team battles.
Some Further Item-Discussion
The items added here are more of extension items than Luxury.
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity – a great item but Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse beats this due to the stat gain. In comparison, you don’t need the cyclones since it doesn’t complement your skills. You don’t need the movespeed since Wex can already provide it coupled with Travels and since Linken Sphere has better regen, you simply don’t need it. This is more of a utility item if your team needs the extra disable.Eye of Skadi *Luxury* – if your teammates are not in need of Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse or Linkin Sphere then it might be more advisable to go for this. The components of Eye of Skadi are very helpful for the Invoker. Unlike most heroes who try to get this for its frost attack, Invoker makes use of the health, mana, armor, strength, agility and intelligence. You can become a DPS hero with Orchid Malevolence (not to ignore Guinsoo), survive longer with Satanic while invoking Alacrity on yourself and invoking Cold Snap on an enemy. Used mostly in pubs since DPS is everything in pubs.
Necronomicon – I recommend this item if you are moving towards being a pusher. With Quas and Exort, you can have your team focus more on pushing. The stats provide INT and the much needed STR for the Invoker. The Endurance aura is great since you will only have one level of Wex early on. The mana burn is of course just an added nuke to your arsenal and as an added plus, Necronomicon 3 gains truesight.
Orchid Malevolence – this is another utility item for the Invoker and just like Eul’s Scepter, you get it when your team needs it. The damage amplification can potentially kill a single target once focused fired and is actually helpful against heroes like Faceless Void. This item has become the alternative to AC in terms of IAS for INT heroes since the recipe change.
Invoker Spell Synergy & Techniques
This list is not exclusive and may expand.
Battle Mage:Although the term can be deceiving, you are half a battle mage and half a caster. You are also half a carry hero because of the constant leveling. At level 20 you become a formidable FoE.
Your play style is to be played like Earthshaker (You stop pushes and render enemies helpless) and Zeus (You stay away from enemy fire while casting your spells); both of these guys have one thing in common and that is to join a gank when you can and supporting your teammates. But you NEVER tank for the team, it is your teamss job to have you survive unless you are not the prime carry of the team
Invoker has no casting animation when casting a spell but he does laugh after he succeeds in doing so. Because he has no casting animation, this enables you to hit the opponent after casting a spell and you can move freely at the same time. Take advantage of this.
Channel Disrupt:[
You can disrupt channeling spells with Deafening Blast and EMP due to their knock back effect although Deafening is highly favored. Tornado also works because of the cyclone so the same goes with Eul’s Scepter. You can also use Cold Snap for its mini-stun effect and of course if you have sheepstick, use it.
Rune Check:
Haste is great, in a way, that all you need is 3 levels of Exort and any two combinations of nukes with you. Double Damage is great since you all you need are 3 levels of Wex for the AS and MS. Regen is your greatest asset early game if you are low on mana. And get Invisibility to run away or set up Ice Wall or any other spell for that matter.
Combining Nukes:
This contains Deafening Blast, Chaos Meteor, & Tornado/Sun Strike. The only exception to this combo is Tornado because you need both Quas and Wex for it to do any real damage so in this case, we use Sun Strike as a finishing maneauver. Deafening Blast and Chaos Meteor should already be invoked. Open up with Chaos Meteor and then Deafening Blast for the knock-back effect. Tornado/Sun Strike will be a finishing blow or else an added nuke. EMP is neglected because opponents have an easy time dodging this spell. Of course, this all works even better when you have allies around.
Ghost Wall:
This contains Ice Wall and Ghost Walk. This combination is very helpful at slowing down opponents. You start off by using Ghost Walk to move ahead of opponents and casting Ice Wall afterwards for your teammates to catch up. Cast Deafening Blast to push back opponents as an added effect.
Ghost Hunting:
Simply activate Ghost Walk and hunt for victims with some of your deadly combinations (although limited before level 20) but be wary of True Sight. Ghost Walk lasts longer than the cooldown of the spell but your presence is easily recognizable by a frost effect on enemies and you need 3 levels of Wex to get your movespeed up early on. You can scout and escape with this.
Cold Snap-Alacrity:
This contains Cold Snap and Alactriy (…they really do). Cast Alacrity first and then Cold Snap and watch your ministuns fly. This combination lasts a few seconds but the cooldowns are short so an ally with a stun should be assisting. If an ally is better off with Alacrity then give it to him.
Forge Spirit Frenzy:
These are helpful against towers and they are BETTER than heroes early on (same concept with my Conversion/Malefice). This works by conjuring a Lava Spawn and casting Cold Snap on an enemy or casting Alacrity on the Lava Spawn, but either way the damage should hurt for a short time. Use the Pushing Invoker, you can have two of these guys by level 18 and they get a range of 900 and can outshoot towers and heroes. Cast Ice Wall if needed for added support. If you want IMBA, I’d wish these guys could replicate just as they do in ladder hahaha.
Invoker Strategies
Invoking – You can’t do much before level 10 because you can’t invoke more than one spell and it takes almost all your mana to cast two/three spells. After level 10, you have two spells and these two spells are there for you to adapt to the gameplay. In other words, if you are not going to use Ice Wall then invoke something else.
Invoking is split into stages based on Invoke and Skill Build:
Laning – You can reach level 5 with ease by lane denying your opponents by pulling neutrals against your creeps; this works only for the Scourge Top and Sentinel Bottom. Use Quas when you need the regen (combined with Tango), Wex to move more swiftly, & Exort for last hit creeping and harassing opponents until Invoke is available. Pair up with someone who can disable for strong lane control.
Level 1 (1 Invoke, 30 CD): Your most favorable spells are Chaos Meteor, Cold Snap and/or Sun Strike but Ice Wall at this stage is decent. You can get FB with Chaos Meteor when paired with a disable, it costs 200 mana but is your highest damage spell at this point of the game. Cold Snap is simply made to assist your lane buddy in harassing the hero and it costs 100 mana and has a low cooldown which makes it easy for repetitive use. Sun Strike is used simply because of its global range and is an instant nuke on opposite lanes but is very hard to land. You do not have the mana to support a combination of spells at this time so one skill is advisable, if you want to change your skill, I suggest changing it at the fountain.
Level 2 (2 Invoke, 30 CD): Additional favorable spells are Deafening Blast and/or Ghost Walk. You can now combo two spells (Refer to Skill Synergy). Deafening Blast has decent damage and Ice Wall should be easy to use because of your stat growth and items. Ice Wall is much more favorable because you can now follow it up with another spell. *You can use Ghost Walk but it would cost way too much mana.
Level 3 (2 Invoke, 15 CD): Additional favorable spells are Forge Spirit, Tornado and/or EMP. With only a cooldown of 15 seconds, it is relatively easier to use hit and run tactics with your spells.
Level 4 (2 Invoke, 05 CD): You can spam all spells as long as you have your regen items here. At level 25, you can do almost anything with the exception of not tanking. Lava Spawns are your bodyguards and your added support because they last for about a minute.
Soloing – You can solo against heroes that have no disables like Shadow Fiend, Troll, or any other range carry. Exort (and possibly Quas for lane stability) is the reason for this and you can take advantage by going in mid because of the hills although risky but you can’t solo against dual nukers.
Getting Ganked – Activate Wex for the movement speed bonus after you Invoke your main spell. Your main spell is either Ghost Walk or Ice Wall but early on, Ice Wall is enough because Ghost Walk costs 300 mana to cast. If you have an ally with you, you can try to go on the offense with Deafening Blast and Cold Snap. If your ally is reliant on physical attacks, cast Alacrity on him and assist.
Ganking – You should have Invoke Level 2. Your most favorable skill is Deafening Blast to open a gank and while they are pushed back. As soon as Deafening Blast hits, you should have either EMP or Chaos Meteor as the second Invoke for more added damage. Tornado/Sun Strike should be invoked as a final maneuver. Ghost Walk or run away if necessary.
Farming – Farming is one of Invoker’s main strong points. Your strongest farming skill is Chaos Meteor plus any added nuke. If you jungle, invoke Forge Spirit for added support. For this to happen, you need Linken Sphere to continue farming efficiently. Don’t farm too much though; you should engage in ganking to earn more experience since what you are really after is level 20.
Pushing – Invoker is a good pusher and a great one when he maximizes Exort and Quas. With Forge Spirit, you can push early with your teammates. You can mow down creeps with Chaos Meteor and you can cast Ice Wall to slow down the opposition. With Deafening Blast in your arsenal, you are actually keeping your own creeps and allies alive when tower diving.
5v5 Battles (defensive) – With 10 Spells in your arsenal, you’d be giving enemies a difficult time. Ice Wall effectively annoys opponents and prevents them from doing anything beyond its border. Use two nukes to effectively kill creep waves. But as a warning, do not spam spells if Pugna and his Nether Ward are there!
5v5 Battles (offensive) – Your initiators should engage as fast as possible. As soon as they’ve done their job, it is time for you to do yours. Follow up with EMP as your first move and then Deafening Blast; rinse and repeat. If you have Guinsoo, hex the deadliest target and if possible, combine it with Cold Snap and have your teammates focus on him. Tornado any red health enemies, with its long range there should really be no problem. Cast Alacrity on your DPS hero and Ghost Walk. Ghost Walk on the offense, slows down opponents and allows your team to keep up with them. The possibilities are endless.
Fun Facts
The Blood Mage
Invoker is based off Blood Mage of normal ladder although nothing like his counterpart since Blood Mages only concentrate on fiery spells. This hero was originally classic Lina in older versions of DotA before IceFrog took over the project. It makes sense since all of Lina’s Spells were based off the Blood Mage.
His Storyline
A powerful mage himself, the young Prince Kael is a loyal agent of the Alliance who holds their part of the pact to repay the humans for saving what was left of their race after the destruction of Quel’Talas.However, he feels like their efforts to help are being ignored, and the mistreatment for the Blood Elves is humiliating. Being left to die near Dalaran, the Prince finds himself in the decision to live by allying with the Naga, or dying alone. They join the Naga, and are trapped as traitors by the alliance.
With the help of Lady Vashj, Kael rallies his people in a daring escape from Dalaran, and joins Illidan on his quest to destroy Magtheridon, and finally the Frozen Throne.
He was very likely killed during the assault on the Frozen Throne Tower, or killed in the aftermath.
Credits & Conclusion
“Arhat” for the great headers. He’s taken much of his time just to make them and I appreciate all of his efforts.
“Baconzilla” for the great title header of Kael.
“Beast_pete” for introducing the new template.
“IceFrog and his crew” for bringing back the imba.
Hope you enjoyed reading the guide although more information could have been added but it would be totally unnecessary since you don’t have to use all his spells in a single game. Every game is different so learn, adapt, use and abuse him and I ensure that your team should not be losing.
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