Tuesday, 3 May 2011

obsidian destroyer hero guide

Harbinger The Obsidian Destroyer

Harbinger – The Obsidian Destroyer
Range: 450 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: INT
Str: 19 + 1.85 | Agi: 15 + 1.4 | Int: 26 + 2.8
Damage: 49 – 64 | HP: 511 | Mana: 338
HP Regen: 0.82 | Mana Regen: 1.05
Attack Speed: 1.26 | Armor: 4
An obsidian construct brought to life through the ill conceived necromancy of the Lich King, Harbinger craves magic to make up for the emptiness brought on by the incomplete nature of its summoning. Ironically however, to devour the magic that it so desires, Harbinger must tap into his own pool of mana time and time again, expending to the point where it ends up with even less than it began with. Yet despite this, the Obsidian Destroyer is a proud servant of the Undead Scourge, and takes great pleasure in annihilating the foolish Sentinels it encounters through psionic exploitation.
Arcane Orb Arcane Orb (R)
Gives the Destroyer extra power to damage his enemies based on his remaining mana pool.
Level 1 – Deals 6% of your current remaining mana. Deals 100 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units.
Level 2 – Deals 7% of your current remaining mana. Deals 200 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units.
Level 3 – Deals 8% of your current remaining mana. Deals 300 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units.
Level 4 – Deals 9% of your current remaining mana. Deals 400 bonus damage to illusions and summoned units.
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 6 / 4 / 2 / 0
Astral Imprisonment Astral Imprisonment (T)
Teleports a target allied or enemy hero into an astral prison. The hero remains separated from the real world for the duration of the spell. If cast on an enemy, Harbinger absorbs 2 intelligence per second. Intelligence is restored to the hero after 60 seconds.
Level 1 – Banished for 1 second.
Level 2 – Banished for 2 second.
Level 3 – Banished for 3 second.
Level 4 – Banished for 4 second.
Mana Cost: 120 / 140 / 160 / 180
Cooldown: 20
Essence Aura Essence Aura ()
Whenever a nearby allied hero casts a spell, it has a chance to restore a portion of its mana pool. Passively adds to the Destroyer\’s base mana pool.
Level 1 – 10% chance to restore 25% of maximum mana pool. 5% chance to trigger off of your autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer\’s base mana by 75.
Level 2 – 20% chance to restore 25% of maximum mana pool. 10% chance to trigger off of your autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer\’s base mana by 150.
Level 3 – 30% chance to restore 25% of maximum mana pool. 15% chance to trigger off of your autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer\’s base mana by 225.
Level 4 – 40% chance to restore 25% of maximum mana pool. 20% chance to trigger off of your autocast. Passively increases the Destroyer\’s base mana by 300.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Sanity`s Eclipse Sanity`s Eclipse (C)
The Obsidian Destroyer unleashes his full potential; his mind unleashes a psionic storm able to penetrate lesser minds with terminal force, dealing massive damage to them. More crafty minds are able to resist most of the damage, but they expend most of their energies to do so, losing 75% of their mana. Heroes with more intelligence than the Destroyer are unaffected.
Level 1 – Deals damage equal to 8x the difference between the heroes intelligence and Destroyer’s intelligence. 400 AOE.
Level 2 – Deals damage equal to 9x the difference between the heroes intelligence and Destroyer’s intelligence. 500 AOE.
Level 3 – Deals damage equal to 10x the difference between the heroes intelligence and Destroyer’s intelligence. 600 AOE.
Level 4 -
Mana Cost: 175/250/325
Cooldown: 160

Now i will show you all the power of this hero. Some people love this hero when most enemy pick Agility hero coz this hero has Ultimate that based on your intelligence – enemy’s Intelligence. So calculate if you have 100 Intel and give example Luna only has 40, so 60 x 8/10/12 based on Ultimate level. Hmm..okay now let’s move to the early stage.
Skill Set
1. Arcane Orb
2. Essence Aura
3. Arcane Orb
4. Astral Imprisonment
5. Arcane Orb
6. Sanity Eclipse
7. Arcane Orb
8. Essence Aura
9. Essence Aura
10. Essence Aura
11. Sanity Eclipse
12 – 15. Astral Imprisonment
16. Sanity Eclipse
17 – 25. Stats

I. Early Game (1 – 7)
Start item with two Mantle Of Intelligence and Two Tango if 5vs5.
Mantle of IntelligenceMantle of IntelligenceAncient Tango of Essifation(x2)
Or One Two Mantle Of Intelligence, One Circlet, And Two Tangoes
Mantle of IntelligenceMantle of IntelligenceCirclet of NobilityAncient Tango of Essifation(x2)
Pick any other lane except Middle, coz you can’t solo in early stage. Your fragile health will make you the first target of enemy caster at early game. I give arcane orb 3 times to maximize damage at early game. Note that use this skill efficiently since it cost 100 mana. You can take Astral Imprisonment in Lvl 5 to prevent channeling skill like Deathward or Epicenter that can kill you. Essence aura also make your mana pool grow up and get some “lucky” mana restore.
Your core item would be Mystic Staff. Or if you want to be a supporter get Guinsoo or Eul. You need to choose what type in this stage coz it will impact your future.
Basic item in lvl 7 will be :
II. Middle Game
There are 3 mode in this stage.
II.1 Case 1 : Killer Mode
Get one mystic staff or two. Ussualy in 23 minute you can get one, and if you play well, at least dead < 3, you can get another mystic. Beware of your enemies that may know your weakness. LOW HP. High int but low health won’t guarantee your life in battlle. So as soon as battle happen, Go Sanity Eclipse and shoot them with arcane orb. If they run, Astral, and run forward after them, then you can get one/two additional shoot. Use animation cancelling well so more attack can you get.
II.2 Case 2 : Hybrid Mode
Get Hand of Midas, and Eul Scepter. Always follow up your teammate to support them. Use eul and astral efficiently as they can safe your ass and help other to kill. Always use midas to transmute whenever it’s ready. Bonus gold is worth and help you get your future item.
II.3 Case 3 : Supporter Mode
Get Eul and Mystic Staff. Prepare for making Guinsoo Scythe. Making you the highest intel in the game, and provide 3 disable. Wow. But i’m sure it’s not easy to get Guinsoo in this stage. Furthermore you must rush eul at first. So, don’t worry if you already get one of guinsoo recipe.

III. Late Game

Harbinger can only show up as the really scary hero if there are some tanker hero. Remember that you mustn’t come to open the battle for the first time because you need to positioning sanity eclipse to fit most of the enemy hero. Or even if you can’t precise area, burn the mana of enemy hero is a good strat too.
Continue of Case 1 :
2 Mystic is already provide high int, so you can get bloodstone or Heart Of Tarasque. This will make you stand longer in the game. If you have more money left, get Shiva’s Guard and Aghanim to provide more health and mana pool.
Continue of Case 2 :
Rush Orchid Of Mangleovance. With high dps, bonus of arcane orb, and soulburn, you can do a really high throughput damage.
Continue Of Case 3 :
Rush Guinsoo, And Shiva’s Guard. Arctic blast will make battle such a hell. Combine with Sanity eclipse, won’t make their hp much left to lived.
IV. Best Allies and Worst Enemies
There are 2 two heroes that will make your game a nightmare
Magina - The Anti-MageAnub`arak - The Nerubian Assassin
Magina and Anubarak. Too fragile and too much mana. Mana void and mana burn will make you desperate of need mana so much.
But outside of that, Best allies are AoE hero.
Akasha - The Queen of PainAzgalor - Pit LordLeshrac - The Tormented SoulDemnok Lannik - WarlockJakiro - The Twin Head DragonLeviathan - The TidehunterBradwarden - The Centaur WarchiefRaigor Stonehoof - The Earthshaker
V. Conclusion
Remember these things :
1. Always come out as the last one in battle
2. Use Astral Imprisonment always to boost up and lower enemy Intelligence. So Sanity will deal maximum damage
3. Don’t worry, buy 4 mystic and no one will say you noob, coz it’s that the way Harbinge play.
4. Autocast Arcane Orb in battle, but don’t activate when chase someone.

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