Tuesday, 3 May 2011

lycan hero guide

Banehallow - The Lycanthrope
Range: 100 | | Move Speed: 295 | Primary: STR
Str: 22 + 2.75 | Agi: 16 + 1.9 | Int: 15 + 1.55
Damage: 53 - 57 | HP: 568 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.91 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 1.43 (+ 16% IAS) | Armor: 2.2
The first thing, this is my first guide (Mojo’s Guide) in DotA thanks to GrapeZ who show me how to play lycan. I never play lycan before, because I think he doesn’t have stun or any disabling spells and he can’t blink or windwalk. He just have 2 wolves “dolls” to play with and scare a little children or he can be “Midas” who wants to eat 3 little pigs wkwkwkwk… But after I see my friend GrapeZ play that lycan… Wow… And that change my perspective about lycan. And now I think… Lycan is one of the best heroes you can choose in DotA. He is a hunter, a pusher, a jungler, a chaser dan a killer… And He can KILL Roshan at Level 7… alone…


Summon Wolves (V)
Summons 2 Spirit Wolves to fight the Lycanthropy’s enemies. Lasts 55 seconds.
Level 1 - Summons 2 wolves with 17-18 normal damage, 1.25 BAT, 3 heavy armor, and 400 HP.
Level 2 - Summons 2 wolves with 27-30 normal damage, 1.2 BAT, 4 heavy armor and 500 HP; they also have 30% chance to deal 1.5x critical strike.
Level 3 - Summons 2 wolves with 34-40 normal damage, 1.15 BAT, 5 heavy armour, and 600 HP; they also have 30% chance to deal 1.5x critical
Level 4 - Summons 2 wolves with 43-49 normal damage, 1.1 BAT, 5 heavy armor, and 700 HP; they also have 30% chance to deal 1.5x critical, and permanent invisibility with 3 seconds fade time
Wolves can attack air and have 400 movespeed
Mana Cost: 125
Cooldown: 30

Howl (W)
An eerie loud howl grants an inner strength to all player controlled units and allied heroes.
Lasts 16 seconds.
Level 1 - Adds 11 damage to heroes. 4 damage to units.
Level 2 - Adds 22 damage to heroes. 8 damage to units.
Level 3 - Adds 33 damage to heroes. 12 damage to units.
Level 4 - Adds 44 damage to heroes. 16 damage to units.
Mana Cost: 15/ 20/ 25/ 30
Cooldown: 35

Feral Heart (E) [Passive]
Increases the attack damage and attack speed of the Lycanthrope and his units.
Level 1 - 10% bonus damage and attack speed.
Level 2 - 15% bonus damage and attack speed.
Level 3 - 20% bonus damage and attack speed.
Level 4 - 25% bonus damage and attack speed.

Shapeshift (F)
A Full Moon curdles the blood of the Lycanthropy. He transforms into a Wolf with extra hit points, 30% to deal a 1.5x critical strike, and increased attack speed (BAT from 1.7 to 1.4). This gives him and his units the ability to move at a constant maximum speed and not be slowed.
Level 1 - 100 bonus hit points, lasts 14 seconds.
Level 2 - 200 bonus hit points, lasts 15 seconds.
Level 3 - 300 bonus hit points, lasts 16 seconds.
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100/70/40


Lvl 1: Summon Wolves
Lvl 2: Feral Heart
Lvl 3: Summon Wolves
Lvl 4: Feral Heart
Lvl 5: Summon Wolves
Lvl 6: Shapeshift
Lvl 7: Summon Wolves
Lvl 8: Feral Heart
Lvl 9: Feral Heart
Lvl 10: Howl
Lvl 11: Shapeshift
Lvl 12: Howl
Lvl 13: Howl
Lvl 14: Howl
Lvl 15: Stats
Lvl 16: Shapeshift
Lvl 17-25: Stats


Power Treads (STR) (1850) For basic movement speed, good attack speed, and the bonus stats will be helpful. I think Power Treads better than Boots of Travel because changing into wolf will max his speed already. Holding a TP scroll to get back to base to defend will take over the job of BoT even thou without the tele-to-creep privilages as i think it isn’t needed till lategame where pushing gets more and more important.

Vladmir’s Offering (2075) Lifesteal from Vladmir’s Offering is sustainable when fighting a hero. With the bonus damage aura, which synergies with Howl, it is a great addition to the team’s total amount of DPS. It is useful too when you are NC-ing with your wolves as they can sustain their life longer.
Black King Bar (3800)
I add this Item (BKB) into core item because we rarely meet our opponent without 1 or 2 disabler in their team. With strength and damage boost plus 16 second Avatar that will be enough to pawn those irritating disablers during your insane wolf form. The duration of 10 seconds of magical invulnerability goes almost smoothly with your Shapeshift duration.


Stygian Desolator (4420)
This item has a Great damage, and this item makes lycan to be the best hunting heroes and farming. And even better combined with Battle fury as it improves cleaved damage.

Assault Cuirass (6120)
GREAT attack speed and armor reduction(to enemies) and addition(allies) aura which helps ur team in battles and goes well with Desolator and/or Battle Fury.

Heart Of Tarrasque (5500)
Good damage addition and tankability for a STR hero. Able to sustain survivabilty as enemies may focus fire on you due to your dmg.
This build is GREAT for hunting down single heroes and enables you to take out 2 or 3 heroes in a major battle.It is also great for pushing as this build provides you to deal heavy, i mean HEAVY, DPS to your helpless enemies and towers. Sadly, its only flaw is that it is too single targeted.

Battle Fury (4350)
Other builds would be adding a Battle Fury to your inventory rather than a Heart of Tarrasque as there will not be much of tanking to do if your team has a great aoe disabler who r capable of bringing your enemies close to gather like Enigma or Magnataur. It is known that the cleave of Battle Fury is based on your main target’s armor, the items listed which minuses the target’s armor is crucial in dealing heavy damage. With a Battle Fury and your armor reducing items, you can clear a entire team with just a few nasty swipes of your paws.

Burizza ( )
This item can be very deadly. It has critical damage that synergy with vlad’s lifesteal witch boost your hit point to full in a secong and synergy with wolf critical damage so that almost ever hit you will see the red number from one or two even three wolf.

Radiance ( )

You can use this item if you have invincible enemies. Have great damage and the aura can reduce hit point other enemies. And the aura very usefull to chase enemies who wants to escape from battle. Just chase them and they will be dead.


Early Game : Get a Ring of Basillus and Tangos. From level 1 to 3 you can join your teamate in a line (this is faster to gain level 3 in a line than you have to wait noob camp to spawn 3 times). Level 3-7 Neutral Creep your way to a Power Threads and a Vladmir’s Offering and try to get Black King Bar When you get your lvl 2 Summon Wolves, go to Ogre (lvl 3)or Mud Golems (lvl 5) or Dark Troll (lvl6). After level 5, you are now able to kill Centaurs or Furlbogs, but dodged their Claps or Stuns. Just farm farm and farm your way to succesion on owning the game. And if you want you can solo ROSHAN at level 7 with full mana and hit point and your item already boots and vlads. Summon level 4 wolves for 3 times and you can say bye bye to Roshan. After you kill ROSHAN continue to 1 or 2 NC-ing and you will arrive to Level 9.
Mid Game : Level 9, your team is bound to gank enemies, and Howl will be helpful in successfully eliminate the targeted hero. You should be doing some hunting of heroes yourself. Pick out those heroes who dare to farm themselves without their teammates around. If your best enemy is Tanker, get Deso or Burizza and Assault Cuirass. If your teammates is mass disabler, get Battle Fury. The item build depending on your opponent’s team line-up.
Late Game : Walk with your team to push down their tower, one after another, alternating lanes one at a time and pick out Disablers (e.g. Lion, Rhasta) heroes first. Then the Carry hero (e.g. Troll Warlord), then finally the Tanker (e.g. Centaur).
And that’s all for now… This may not the best Guide but it can helps you to win… Thanks for read this Guide and i hope you can help me to review any flaws… by send me your comment…

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