Monday, 2 May 2011

guide for lion ( demon witch )

Lion The Demon Witch

I. Introduction
Lion would be the best disabler in game if you pair him with rhasta. But there are so much problem with Lion user such as Useless Impale, wrong hex casting, miss time casting etc. So i’m here to guide you all how to use Lion properly.
II. Hero Stats And Skill
Lion – The Demon Witch
Range: 600 | | Move Speed: 290 | Primary: INT
Str: 16 + 1.7 | Agi: 15 + 1.5 | Int: 22 + 3
Damage: 42 – 48 | HP: 454 | Mana: 286
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 0.89
Attack Speed: 1.45 (+ 15% IAS) | Armor: 1.1
View Complete Stat
Voodoo (D)
Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter, disabling special abilities.
Level 1 – Lasts 1 seconds.
Level 2 – Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 3 – Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 4 – Lasts 4 seconds.
Mana Cost: 110 / 140 / 170 / 200
Cooldown: 13
Impale (E)
Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake.
Level 1 – 60 damage, .5 second stun.
Level 2 – 130 damage, 1 second stun.
Level 3 – 200 damage, 1.5 second stun.
Level 4 – 260 damage, 2 second stun.
Mana Cost: 100 / 120 / 145 / 170
Cooldown: 12
Mana Drain (R)
Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking mana from it every second. Channeling Spell
Lasts 4 seconds.
Level 1 – 20 mana drained per second. 600 Cast Range.
Level 2 – 40 mana drained per second. 650 Cast Range.
Level 3 – 60 mana drained per second. 700 Cast Range.
Level 4 – 100 mana drained per second. 750 Cast Range.
Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 25/20/15/10
Finger of Death (F)
Instantly rips at a target, attempting to turn it inside-out. Deals massive damage.
Level 1 – Deals 500 (600 with Scepter) damage.
Level 2 – Deals 650 (800 with Scepter) damage.
Level 3 – Deals 850 (1025 with Scepter) damage.
Scepter reduces cooldown of level 3 Finger of Death by 5 seconds.
Mana Cost: 200 / 420 / 650
Cooldown: 150 / 90 / 55
III. Skill Build
1,3,5,7 : Impale
2,4,13,14 : Mana Drain
8,9,10,12 : Hex
The Rest : Stats
Finger Of Death : 6,11,16
Q : Why did we put 2 skill point on mana drain?
A : Because we need lane controlling in early game. Mana drain work well with impale, when you stun it, then when enemy moving in the air, use mana drain. Your enemy will not have mana to spam and harass you, hence they will out of farm and being pushed.
Hex taken in lvl 8 because we need one more disable thing, even though mana cost was ridiculous, don’t hesitate to take it, it will save your life sometimes even just 1 seconds.
IV. Strategy And Tactics
Start item with 2 gauntlets of ogre or mantle of intelligence with 2 sets tango. it will provide you more life time until lvl 6 or more. Since lion is fragile, so we don’t need to rush an early kill. Do this way
1. Impale then when your enemy stunned in the air, use mana drain. With this way, you prevent of being harassed and can harass with impale more.
2. Don’t cast impale on hero but cast impale on the ground. Like this

and this. So we should know how far can impale goes. Once you mastered it, you can use trick impale + drain easily.

This is the example of using mana drain while your enemy flying in the air.

So in lvl 1 – 7, i hope you get this item. This will help you find a better way in mid game.
BracerNull TalismanBoots of SpeedVoid Stone or BracerBracerBoots of Speed Void Stone
We want to rush guinsoo as fast as we want, so i suggest to buy the expensive one first, Mystic Staff. I know that’s hard, sometimes i want to buy Ultimate Orb first, but it’s not a good choice. Because lion only effective in early to mid game, when enemy’s health rather low. So we can finger them, or just do impale finger combo then kill, get money while in late game when you want to get Mystic, it’s so hard because you don’t have proper item to farm faster. It will getting worst if you’re being pushed so you can’t go too far from base. Getting mystic should be around lvl 12-13. Another item that you should consider is Eul. If you think that guinsoo is too far, Eul can be the second build. But it’s less effective than guinsoo. So in mid game, getting Mystic staff is a must.
BracerNull TalismanBoots of SpeedVoid StoneMystic Staff
Then near level 16, you can get Ultimate Orb easier with your power farming. Last hit also easier now because you have high damage. It’s not too expensive, well, even though it’s just 600 gold cheaper than Mystic. Getting guinsoo will make a game unstable for enemy. You can control up to 3 heroes. In my experience, guinsoo is the expensive item i can get, but if the game last longer, get Orchid. This will make you a fully support and battle lion. Amplify damage with finger of death. A massive damage.
Orchid MalevolenceGuinsoo`s Scythe of VyseBracerBoots of SpeedNull Talisman
V. Best Allies And Worst Enemy
Worst :
Lucifer - The Doom BringerBalanar - The Night StalkerEzalor - The Keeper of the Light
Once doomed, just say goodbye. Balanar in early game will make a little headache. Mana leak will make your mana collapsed.
Bone Clinkz - The Bone FletcherRikimaru - The Stealth AssassinGondar - The Bounty HunterAnub`seran - The Nerubian Weaver
Also some windwalkers hero. Your fragile hp would be their favorite object.
Best :
Crixalis - The Sand KingAnub`arak - The Nerubian AssassinSlardar - The Slithereen GuardDarchrow - The EnigmaRaigor Stonehoof - The EarthshakerMagnus - The Magnataur
AoE stuner that will make your impale hit more than 1 enemy.
VI. Conclusion
-Better get Guinsoo before your enemy get BKB. When it happens, then you’ll lose.
-Finish the game asap. Intel hero can’t play too long.
-Item build can be your choice to buy other item. Orchid is the most late item that i can get in most game.

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