Monday, 2 May 2011

Balanar Hero guide

Balanar, the Night Stalker Guide by iQ-w00t

Written by admin on September 28th, 2008
This guide was created by iQ-w00t, thank you!

1. Core idea of the balanar strategy
2. The Hero balanar
3. Skilling
4. Items
5. Strategy

1. Core idea of the balanar strategy

I was playing a game of -ar and i got Balanar.. it had been a while but i knew what had to be done!
If you view the skills of balanar you notice its all focused on the night!
so obviously the night is where balanars strategy lies. I will explain a guide of total domination with balanar.
2. The Hero Balanar
Balanar – The Night Stalker
Range: 100 | | Move Speed: 295 | Primary: STR
Str: 23 + 2.8 | Agi: 18 + 2.25 | Int: 16 + 1.25
Damage: 47 – 51 | HP: 587 | Mana: 208
HP Regen: 0.94 | Mana Regen: 0.65
Attack Speed: 1.39 (+ 18% IAS) | Armor: 5.5
Void (V)
Creates a damaging void. If cast at night, slows the target for 4 seconds.
Level 1 – Deals 90 damage.
Level 2 – Deals 160 damage.
Level 3 – Deals 255 damage.
Level 4 – Deals 335 damage.
Mana Cost: 90/ 112/ 130/ 145
Cooldown: 7

Crippling Fear ()
In the night, the Night Stalker can cause intense fear in enemy units, causing them to miss attacks and be unable to cast spells.
Level 1 – Miss on 10% of attacks, slow by 4%. Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 – Miss on 20% of attacks, slow by 8%. Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 3 – Miss on 30% of attacks, slow by 12%. Lasts 7 seconds.
Level 4 – Miss on 40% of attacks, slow by 16%. Lasts 8 seconds.
Mana Cost: 125
Cooldown: 11
Hunter in the Night ()
The Night Stalker is at home at night. He attacks and moves more swiftly.
Level 1 – 15% movement speed, 20% attack speed.
Level 2 – 20% movement speed, 35% attack speed.
Level 3 – 30% movement speed, 55% attack speed.
Level 4 – 35% movement speed, 75% attack speed.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Darkness ®
Freezes the time and create a period of Darkness for the Night Stalker to thrive in.
Level 1 – Create darkness for 25 second night.
Level 2 – Create darkness for 50 seconds.
Level 3 – Create darkness for 80 seconds.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: 240/ 210/ 150
3. Skilling
What to skill when?
[color=#9ACD32]1. Void
2. Hunter in the night
3. Void.
4. Hunter in the night
5. Hunter in the night

6. Void
[color=#FFA500]7. Hunter in the night

8. Void
9. Darkness
10. Crippling Fear
11. Darkness
12-14. Crippling Fear
15. Attribute Bonus
16. Darkness
17-25. Attribute Bonus


Picking void first is obvious.. till the first night that’s the only skill that actually does something and is one of the most important skills in the night. Besides maybe you can do a lucky kill with the dmg of void smile.gif
Hunter in the night is the second skill you need when it turns night. why did I pick 2x void en 3x hunter instead of 3x void and 2x hunter… you would think a stronger spell would make the target easier to kill.. so i thought about it and I came to the conclusion that skilling more levels of “hunter in the night” is better then void anyway. why?The slow doesn’t get better and it costs to much mana to use all the time so.. hunter is more useful. Besides wasting time to go heal is wasting precious time !
Obviously they are both better then crippling fear, but crippling fear is better then attribute bonus because its still very good (the silence effect especially)
Darkness is always necessary!!But you wont need it before lvl 9 because you will be lvl 9 after first night.. when played properly! if you think you wont make lvl 9 before first night then make it lvl 8 btw longer night.. is pwnage time!!! laugh.gif
4. Items
Starting item
Ring of Regeneration.

First items after that

Boots of speed
1/2/3 Bracer
clarity potions/trees

Items after or during first nightly ownage

The rest
Finnish S&Y
Helm of the dominator

Ok… starting at the begin!
ring of regeneration, this is important item.. you dont wanna waste any time in leveling because the sooner you get lvl 6 the sooner you start owning! So if you get harassed a bit or lose some hp other wise (unlucky tower hits) you want this item to keep you alive and gaining XP
why not boots first? because you cant afford it nex to RoR!..
then if you have to go heal or if night is approaching get your boots of speed, you need this item because else they can escape you!
what to do with the rest of cash? start on bracer’s and maybe a clarity potion or trees!
why? well you need the bracers for hp/dmg/mp.. cheap items to give that extra bit you need for total ownage not just 1/2 kills in the night.. and those potions/trees for regaining some mp/hp while running of for more killings!!
getting treads next is logical, because you dont want enemy heroes with threads outrunning you when you get stunned or something, after that sange -> more chance to slow and more HP
and then… finishing s&y more speed you might need when ppl get BoT and its extra attack speed, dmg and HP.
Buriza for the dmg/crit
heart / satanic
much stronger balanar and lifesteal smile.gif
first Helm of dominator though because you want that armor/lifesteal before you start saving on heart!
5. Strategy
Beginning of game
You bought your RoR and now you are going to level, try getting a lane alone but thats normally not possible so just level up dont do anything stupid, because you are going to hunt at night! NOT daylight….
Try getting some last creep hits so you can afford as many items at night as possible, if you are lucky you might even get a kill but in pro games.. dont expect so!
Now lvl lvl lvl, gain cash gain cash gain cash … TILL THE FIRST NIGHT! laugh.gif
The first night
Depending on how fast you lvl will determine if the first night is a natural one or one created by yourself (lvl 6. darkness)
i assume its a natural one.. you can see this night coming, so just before it happens go back and buy the stuff (boots, bracer’s etc) or if you allready bought it due early death or early healing.. then just wait till night occurs.
so ok the night begins.. not look at the map for targets!!! what are we looking for? there are two categories:
1. Their current HP
2. Their position towards their own Tower
So what are we looking for?
a good combination of those 2 factors..
near dead heroes are always instant kills, you run –> you void –> run, hit and kill.
then you have the half dead heroes.. these are also always kills UNLESS they are stunners with mana or their partner is one. or if they are invis heroes
then you have to look at things, how far are they from tower, if they are far enough you can afford 1 stun if they are to close you wont survive.
so either you expect them to get away from tower OR you have to find another target.
so… what about full HP heroes? if they are no stunners/invis they are kills most of the times unless you are weak and they are hiding at their tower.
so now you are running like hell finding targets if they are not there go heal or creep.. and keep buying items (threads, sange, bracer)
you continue this whole night! and its so imba that most heroes cant counter this >=]
then the night ends.. go heal and buy items. then cast your darkness skills and own some more! laugh.gif
The second daylight!
Now are pimped in lvls and HP so now you are going to creep and only kill when the occasion occurs (low hp hero closeby or something) till the new night!
The second night
Time to finish this game
by this time you got your crippling fear skilled that means you can own every hero who is alone.. by crippling them you can silence them and own them all!
if they are supported by other heroes just kill the stunner first and continue with the other if you have enough HP left.. or ask for help from your allied heroes! to kill them both smile.gif
easy enough? yea! kill kill kiLLLLL … .
Obstacles and downsides
What are the problems in this strategy? disablers!
They can ruin your hunts, a net from siren or a sleep from atropos are a kill for your huntings!
so always think of disablers when you hunt!
a few tips!:
balanar is feared during the night, so most times they wont fight back.. make use of that! dont be scared of them when they are with two of them..
you can kill faster and run faster so no problem!

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