Tuesday, 3 May 2011

bristleback hero guide

~Table Of Contents
1. Hero's Story
The quillboars were never interested in the affairs and wars of other races, but one knew that the Scourge would eventually descend on their lands if left unchecked. Entering the ranks of the Sentinel for the sole reason of the preservation of his tribe, Rigwarl brings primal instincts to the never ending battle. Each time he releases a flurry of quills or a glob of slime, he works himself into a frenzy that increases his effectiveness drastically, and should he be in danger, his bristle back would shield him from further harm. A perfect demonstration of the abilities that even lesser beings can unleash.
2. Hero's Introduction
Although his spells seem very weak at first glance, Rigwarl is a bad hero to underestimate. Quill Spray, Viscous Nasal Goo, and Warpath all provide relatively small effects when used only once, but each ability stacks when cast multiple times. Enemies of the Bristleback will soon find themselves covered in goo and shredded by constant quill fire if they aren't careful. Quill Spray deals increasing damage with each cast on the same target, and due to its low cooldown and mana cost it can be very deadly over time. When Rigwarl sees that his enemies are sufficiently weakened, he can move in for the kill with Viscous Nasal Goo. This ability slows the target and reduces their armor, increasing the damage of Quill Spray and Bristleback's physical attack and making it impossible to escape. Furthermore, casting spells puts Bristleback on the Warpath, which increases his movement and damage as he uses his abilities. Bristleback's signature skill, and where he gets his name, is his near invulnerability to attacks that strike his back. All attacks and spells that come from behind him will be heavily reduced and cause additional Quill Sprays. Engaging a strong Rigwarl who is facing away is almost always a pointless exercise.

Bristleback is a tank, a pusher, a chaser. His skills provide him to reduce damage,mass AoE damage, and increase his damage/movespeed. He takes advantage of prolonged fights to rack up damage with Radi and quills over time.
3. Hero's Info & Stats
[+] high int growth 2.8
[+] good early base damage for last-hitting/denying
[+] good farming skill
[+] good chaser, versatile
[+] fairly item independent

[-] low base int, early mana problems
[-] poor cast animation for a spammer
[-] below average movespeed(295)
[-] ugly pig

  • Affiliation: Neutral
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Attack Range: 100
  • Sight Range: 1800/800
  • Main Roles:Tank, Pusher, Carry
Level 1 Stats
  • Strength:22
  • Agility:17
  • Intelligence:14
Level 25 Stats (Including Bonus Stats)
  • Strength:94
  • Agility:80
  • Intelligence: 101
4. Hero's Skills
- Viscous Nasal Goo

Covers a target in snot, causing it to have reduced armor and movement speed. Casts on the same target are cumulative

Description:This skill is spammable, making it ideal for ganks at around level 3 or 4 and beyond. The armor reduction scales well into late game, when your carry should be taking down enemy heroes with Bristleback slowing them and amplifying damage.Stacks a maximum of 4 times.

Goo Slow Table:
 Initial Cast2nd Cast3rd Cast4th Cast  


- Quill Spray

Sprays enemy units with quills dealing damage in a 650 AoE. Deals 30 extra damage for every time the unit was struck by a quill in the last 10 seconds.

Description: Double B's pushing and farming skill. Seems to be weak in killing hero, but works well on creeps. Good synergy with 1st skill, because it deals physical damage.
• Damage type: physical
• Has a cap of 180 damage.

- Bristleback

Rigwarl covers his back in spines, causing him to take reduced damage. Automatically releases a quill spray whenever his rear receives 250 damage

Description: What makes BB a BB. What makes BB a offensive tank. This skill kills heroes as they try to kill you, because while chasing you they attack your back, activating quill sprays. Attacking BB at back also is a pointless exercise

Some are saying that this has counter-synergy with damage blocks. For further understanding about damage block, here are a article made my Phoenix: [Article]Damage Block (credits to Phoenix)

Originally Posted by Impulsive View Post
Umm how is it less quill sprays?

I always think of it like this:
[Total Bristleback HP]/250 = Number of Sprays from Bristleback (the passive skill)

Just because the damage is blocked/reduced doesn't mean you'll get "less" total number of sprays; 1000 HP BB is still going to spray 4 times before dying regardless of damage block or reduction.

If anything it means you get more since you live longer to spam more sprays from Quill Spray (provided you have the mana).

- Warpath

Everytime Rigwarl casts a spell, he works himself into a fury. Movement speed and damage increase on repeated spell casts.

Description:Warpath has great synergy with his skills. Fits chaser/caster playstyle, also fits his spammable skillset. The MS bonus works well with 1st skill to chase (they get slowed AND you get faster with each cast).

• Stacks up to 4 times.
• Illusions will benefit from the original's casts.
• Using items does not trigger Warpath.
• Auto Quills for Bristleback will not trigger Warpath
5. Hero's Skill Build
Skill Build

1. Quill Spray or Viscous Nasal Goo
2. Viscous Nasal Goo or Quill Spray
3. Quill Spray
4. Bristleback
5. Quill Spray
6. Warpath
7. Quill Spray
8. Bristleback
9. Bristleback
10. Bristleback
11. Warpath
12. Viscous Nasal Goo
13. Viscous Nasal Goo
14. Viscous Nasal Goo
15. Stats
16. Warpath

Skill Build Justification:

You get goo if your opponents have a tough lineup against you, so that you could try to escape crappy situations. You get quill if you face squishy guys with no escape mechanisms (SF comes to mind) or if you lane against harassers, so that you could farm and counterharass.

Getting 1 Level of Goo is useful at early game. 20% slow with 20 manacost is just good.

At Early Game you don't have the mana to sustain Both Goo and Quill spray Even if Maiden is on your team, Goo isn't good if it can't be spammed. BB on the other hand grants a lot of damage reduction, and the ability to dish out a lot more damage due the passive Quill sprays. Abuse this Quill Spray

Around lvl 10 you'll become able to sustain the mana costs of both spells. BB Is a viable lategame pusher/counterpusher and mid game Ganker He helps the most by dealing and tanking damage rather than slowing.

Warpath granted him a lot of damage now so it's viable to launch attack while spamming this is also very important to maximize BB's potential.
6. Item Build
Item Build
Item Build Justification:
Two bracers gives nc stats, which will help you survive better, for early game tanking. Two Null gives enough mana for early game spells spamming. It will be better if you lane partner will have RoB
Core Justification:
wand is considered core on lots of heroes, and BB is one that is not only countered by it, but also loves it himself. Power Treads will give you decent hp, stats and movespeed. BoT provides better mobility.

Vanguard vs Defiance

Defiance if your facing team of casters, also helps in tanking. Should always be upgraded to Pipe if possible. Vanguard gives decent hp and hp regen, thus making Bristleback more effective. Depends on your enemies what should be better.
Late Game Items

Late Game Item Justifications:
Radiance is sweet on BB. He takes advantage of prolonged fights to rack up damage with Radi and quills over time. Radiance can also be considered as core, if you are free farming or dominating. The sooner you get radiance the better. And that often times you should complete it before VG/Hood/etc if you are free-farming early or dominating. Helps on pushing, farming, which is his roles. Since the HoT nerf, it is not effective as before for tanks. But still good for BB. Approximately 1000 raw hp and 2% hp regen is still good. Cuirass gives lots of armor and giving -5 armor aura, thus quill spray will deal more damage.
Situational Items

Situational Item Justification:
Desolator gives lots of bonus damage and -6 armor for enemies. Radiance forces some enemies to attack you, thus Blademail will become effective. BKB gives magic resistance, to prevent perma disables. Self Explanatory why should BB use it. Get Shivas when no one on your team gets it. -25attackspeed is good for him, since he is a battlefield stayer. AoE Slow is also good, for extra disable.
7. Hero's Strategy

Well he is a viable early game harasser/mid game ganker/late game counterpusher/pusher a carry and a tank. At teamfights, always harass your enemies using Quill Spray and Permaslow them with your Goo. At late game, you should tank and pray that get hurt rather than your allies.

When to Pick

Best to pick him when you have fragile enemies, or if you want to harass the enemy to the max. U can also use him if your team lacks carry/tank, also if your team lacks pusher.


Do not jungle, give solo mid to someone who needs it. BB does well at dual lane, and even at tri-lane(venge/abaddon/bb, stun+aphotic at bb+harass=firstblood)

What to do in a lane

Well harass your enemies with your quill spray, permaslow escaping enemies with goo. Play conservative at early game and last hit with the best of your ability.

7b. Hero's Key Points

BB can move at constant high speed
With your spammable spells, combined with warpath, so you move at constant high speed. This allows you to Chase, escape, as well as finishing heroes.

BB has spammable skillset
As said above, do not conserve mana. 30-35 manacost is just way too low. Abuse the cooldown of your spells

BB is never meant to be a dpser
Even though Warpath gives damage boost, plus the fact that with Goo you will deal lots of physical damage, he never meant to be dpser. He can never be too effective dpser like others. Tank, Push, Farm is his roles

Animation Cancelling is important
He has poor casting animation for a spammer here is a short info about animations.

Animations - Learn DotA
8.Allies and Enemies


Omni can heal for 360 hp. Repel and Guardian Angel support him well. Ofc healers should support the tank.

Stunners are an important part of the game and granted every hero benefits from them, but being able to get many free hits on standing heroes. Well BB still needs them, since slow>stun still.

Lanaya, Dazzle, Tide and Slardar
They are some notable armor reducers. More armor reduction means more damage, thus, the more the better. Lanaya w/ deso rips of 14 armor. Thus Quill Spray deals physical damage, + Goo's - armor. Dazzle gives BB armor while reducing enemies' armor. Tidehunter reducing armor while slowing the enemy. And Slardar, combined with Deso+Cuirass, can rip off 26 armor.

Dark Seer and Lich
Surge will enable BB to even chase more. Ion shell + this crazy tank will be enough to seriously damage/kill enemy. Dark seer is one perfect support for all heroes. Lich increases his armor due to Frost Armor, while slowing the melee units that attack him. Nc accompaniment for BB.

ODestroyer and Gandalf
BB's spammable skillset will enable essence aura to trigger. Thus BB has no mana problems at all. Ezalor gives BB mana due to Chakra Magic, reducing his mana problems


Mana Burners

BB is useless without mana, since he is a semi-caster.


BB needs to cast a lot of spells to be effective and he can't if hes silenced every 3 seconds.
9. Conclusion
This hero is perfect for users who like to harrass enemies, who want seeing their opponents going back to the fountain, best for those who like to tanks. BB is not dpser, leave it to your carry(best are ursa, mercurial, etc.)
10. Replays
Click Here
Here is a replay how iKrivetko managed to harass, farm, kill and crushed his lane opponents scoring 8 kills at early stages of the game, nearly following the skill/item build(credits to iKrivetko

Click Here
BB with a build of Vangaurd, Treads, Radiance and lastly AC. Too bad some of the game is cut off(there were problems with lag and saving) however BB owning is still shown clearly. (sentinel won still)(credits to ophelia33)
11. FAQ
Q: Why Didnt you added up phase boots and dagger on core?
A: Well, phase isnt really an option for me. unneeded damage, the phase doesnt help all that much considering you should be releasing a quill every 3 sec. Why would Bristle get a dagger??? He has aoe dmg every 3 seconds and a slow, both of which boost his MS thanks to warpath. So he can catch people while simultaneously disabling their own dagger. (Fruitlord)

Q: Does Vanguard makes BB less productive?
A: For me, vanguard has its own pros and cons. How bad? Damage blocks blocks damage, thus passive spray will be reduced. How good? gives 300 raw hp, decent regen. But for my own opinion, Defiance is still better.

Q: Why did you stated do not conserve mana at early game.
A: Well, my point there is do not conserve mana, harass enemies, consecutive quill's make's it easy to kill creeps, at the same time harass enemies.
12. Credits
Ramomar - for this pretty layout
iKrivetko - for the replay, and some help
Phoenix - for his article about damage block.

Lycan, Neofreedom, Val, Fruitlord, windrunner023, ophelia33

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Old 11-27-2009, 12:30 PM   #2

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Default Re: Guide for the Double B


Skill Build:


Oh, here's a replay if needed (public game).

EDIT: noticed an error
Bristleback is a tank, a pusher, a chaser. His skills provide him to reduce damage,mass AoE damage, and increase his attackspeed->damage/speed

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Old 11-27-2009, 01:12 PM   #3

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Default Re: Guide for the Double B

Originally Posted by iKrivetko View Post

Skill Build:


Oh, here's a replay if needed (public game).

EDIT: noticed an error
tnx for the help. Ill be continuing it these days.
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Old 11-27-2009, 01:51 PM   #4
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Default Re: Guide for the Double B

Skill Build
1. Quill Spray
2. BB
3. Quill Spray
4. BB
5. Quill Spray
6. Warpath
7. Quill Spray
8. BB
9. BB
10. Goo
11. Warpath
12. Goo
13. Goo
14. Goo
15. Stats
16. Warpath

Early Game you don't have the mana to sustain Both Goo and Quill spray Even if Maiden is on your team, Goo isn't good if it can't be spammed. BB on the other hand grants a lot of damage reduction, and the ability to dish out a lot more damage due the passive Quill sprays. The more Sprays the more dmg they deal Pure Damage hurts always but early game it hurts like hell. Abuse this.

Around lvl 10 you'll become able to sustain the mana costs of both spells. BB Is a viable lategame carry and mid game Ganker He helps the most by dealing and tanking damage rather than slowing.

It's most important to animation cancel his spray and goo in order to be effective since BB suffers from a very bad casting animation. So an APM of 150+ isn't uncommon playing a good BB.
Warpath granted him a lot of damage now so it's viable to launch attack while spamming this is also very important to maximize piggy's potential.

HoD -> Should always be upgraded to and Pipe if possible

Basher = okay but not to good, it's a gay plastyle but BB is able to permabash -> Optional
SnY = Manta > SnY it's bad on him Really you already got a permaslow -> Rejected
Skadi = Good stats but unneeded slow to expensive -> Rejected
BF = an Okay item if piggy his main role is to push other than that it isn't the best on him -> Optional

Vladimir is optional and viable for our little piggy .

That's it for now

Good luck working on it

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