Monday, 2 May 2011

Luna hero guide

Luna Moonfang – The Moon Rider Dota Background
Luna Moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the Moon Goddess, Elune. She fights alongside the Sentinel in the never-ending battle to cleanse the land of the unholy Scourge. Through her valiant efforts, she has been granted small portions of Elune”s mystical power. Luna uses this gift to cut a swath through her enemies. It has been said that Luna is able to call down the very light of the moon, and is always surrounded by a glowing aura, as though in moonlight herself. Luna is a shining beacon for the Sentinel, an ever vigilant protector.
Luna Moonfang – The Moon Rider Stats
Range: 330 | | Move Speed: 320 | Primary: AGI
Str: 15 + 1.75 | Agi: 22 + 2.8 | Int: 16 + 1.85
Damage: 43 – 49 | HP: 435 | Mana: 208
HP Regen: 0.7 | Mana Regen: 0.65
Attack Speed: 1.33 (+ 22% IAS) | Armor: 4.1
Luna Moonfang – The Moon Rider Skills
Lucent Beam (C)
Luna concentrates on the moon’s energy and channels it forcefully to the surface, damaging an enemy unit. Casting range: 800.
Level 1 – 75 damage. Ministun for 0.01s.
Level 2 – 150 damage. Ministun for 0.1s.
Level 3 – 225 damage. Ministun for 0.3s.
Level 4 – 300 damage. Ministun for 0.6s.
Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
Cooldown: 7
Moon Glaive ()
Allows Luna to attack extra enemies with each Glaive attack. Each enemy struck beyond the first incurs a 35% damage loss, per unit.
Level 1 – Luna hits 2 enemies with every attack.
Level 2 – Luna hits 3 enemies with every attack.
Level 3 – Luna hits 4 enemies with every attack.
Level 4 – Luna hits 5 enemies with every attack.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Lunar Blessing ()
Nearby ranged units gain the power of the moon.
Level 1 – Increases base ranged damage by 6%.
Level 2 – Increases base ranged damage by 13%.
Level 3 – Increases base ranged damage by 20%.
Level 4 – Increases base ranged damage by 27%.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Eclipse (E)
Calls to the moon’s magic, summoning a concentrated burst of Lucent Beams (without ministun) to damage targets within 450 AoE around Luna. Damage is equal to Lucent Beam level.
If Luna dies while casting Eclipse, Lucent Beams will still be produced at the area where she dies.
Level 1 – Summons 4 Lucent Beams.
Level 2 – Summons 7 Lucent Beams.
Level 3 – Summons 10 Lucent Beams.
Mana Cost: 150/ 200/250
Cooldown: 140
Luna Moonfang – The Moon Rider Quotes
  • Exercise, stunning scenery, huh, this beats prison duty anyday!
  • I spent so much time underground, I’ve forgotten what the stars look like.
  • Die, criminal!
  • Moonlight shines upon the guilty and innocent alike.
  • Only the guilty need fear me.
Luna Moonfang Dota Hero Starting Items
Target to equip yourself with Wraith Band for damage output, increase armor of Moonrider. Depending on how many is your allies, you can buy Empty Bottle or Rango for life regen.
Luna Moonfang Dota Hero Ideal Items
  • Dominator/Satanic
  • Butterfly
  • Power threads
  • Black king Bar
  • Linken Sphere
  • Don’t forget to leave space for town portal
Luna Moonfang Dota Hero Strategy
There are different ways to start Luna’s build. Pick Moonfang’s second skill because it helps eliminate creeps faster because of the bouncing effect. The second skill to focus or is Lucent bean because its needed for Lunas SS eclipse. Concentrate on this two then put the Eclipse skill when you reach level 6 after maximizing Lunas 1st and 2nd skill concentrate on third skill to boost damage. After acquiring two Wraith Band and Maskot Death or Dominator (Level 2) you may choose to buy boots only and save for Lothar’s Edge for attacking and escaping enemies or you can go and build the power threads for attack and moving speed.
As I said before, it’s up to you on how you mix your items depending on your enemy heroes. Remember the basics of the game and some tacts learned from playing.

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