Aggron Stonebreaker the Ogre Magi
Two beards = Manlier than Axe
Foreword Being inspired by a well written guide made by Kawumm and some massive forum ranting/PDGG gaming I decided it has come time for me to write a guide on one of my favorite heroes. Ogre magi. Thanks to Kawumm who let me use his template for the purpose of my guide. I wanted to write a guide for some time but I had not thought myself ready. After getting familiar with the guide system and receiving a nice template to base it off of I decided to write it. I originally intended a different hero guide but decided Ogre Magi was a hero I knew better and that people would more likely seek information on. My goal is that this guide can act as a resource for both players new and old who want to seek information on ogre magi. If you disagree with something in this guide feel free to debate it with me. My opinions change constantly and I do accept others opinions and feedback. I will try to keep this guide updated with new versions and information. So anyways here it is! Enjoy. |
The History Behind the Ogre Pros: Cons: The Role(s) of Ogre: Ogre should do the following things to sucessfully fulfill his expectations.
Why Ogre isn't a tank:
Hero Stats: Damage: 58 - 64 Armor: 5 Movespeed: 295 Attack Range: Melee Note: Ogre Magi is very tanky in lane. High base armor, high strength, high strength gain. His intelligence is poor which makes it your main issue throughout the game. |
Skills Fire Blast Ignite Bloodlust Multi Cast |
Skillbuild Level 1:Fireblast Level 2:Ignite Level 3: Fireblast Level 4:Ignite Level 5:Fireblast Level 6: Multi Cast Level 7: Fireblast Level 8: Ignite Level 9: Ignite Level 10: Bloodlust Level 11: Multi Cast Level 12: Bloodlust Level 13: Bloodlust Level 14: Bloodlust Level 15: Stats Level 16: Multi Cast Levels 17-25: Stats Justification: The first skill build is the most widely used skillbuild and hardly needs justification. You may take Multicast at 9 instead of 6 to save mana on Fireblast and to get the extre level of Ignite. However the primary build is generally the best and most reliable. |
Itembuild Ogre is fairly item-independant. However he has one key issue you must address to be effective. His horrid mana pool. Once your mana is at reasonably spammable levels you should build additional support items and spend more on wards. Starting items: This is just one set of ideal items to start with. Sometimes you may want mix this up a bit (sometimes I get a QB for example). Whatever you do though, you should get courier or wards every game. Core: Ogre has a very cheap but useful core. These items are the minimum he needs to play his role effectively. Although additional items are awesome this is all ogre needs.
Possible Extensions: Ogre doesn't need more than his core but you often have enough gold to get some of these. Just get whichever one suits the game, if you get any of them at all.
Potential Luxuries: Steal too much farm? Killsteal like mad? Game lasting over an hour? Not a problem. Ogre has many potential luxury items.
Gameplay Laning: Ogre Magi should generally NOT solo. He is a melee hero and chunky or not he has little lane control and spamming fireblast for harassment is not possible early in the game. Side lanes are good for ogre because he can make his Arcane Boots while remaining in lane. Ogre lanes best with a ranged hero, preferably with another stun. He makes an annoying dual stun lane with somebody like VS or Lion and can help draw FB easily with allied support. However, you should not spam fireblast to liberally unless your laning with a mana battery like KotL. Save it for when your going for a kill or have lots of mana and always ensure you have enough mana to cast it again before you use it. Ogre can last hit and deny very well with a QB and unless your against serious harassment your HP and armor should keep you alive til you reach level 6. Ogre should gank alot early especially when you get multicast. Ogre does not have alot of lane control so do not use him as a babysitter. Although ogre can go to pretty much any lane he does best in the offensive lanes (Top sentinel/Bottom scourge) Ogre is strong enough he doesn't need the easy lanes to survive and if you put him in the defensive lane its usually in place of a carry who needs it more than you do. |
Good allies The "A" Team: These guys all have stuns (except viper but his slow is just as effective). They also all benefit extremely well from bloodlust. You want these guys and they want you. Excellent synergy. Summary: Heroes who need attackspeed, heroes with stuns, heroes who give mana and especially heroes who can bash. |
Bad enemies

They don't care how beefy you are. They'll just kill you anyway.
They don't care how beefy you are. They'll just kill you anyway.
Summary: Heroes who deal high stacking/% damage, mana drainers, silencers and heroes with magic resistance are your biggest enemies. Avoid them at all costs!
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