Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Syllabear hero guide

Syllabbear, The Lone Druid

Written by admin on May 15th, 2008
This guide was created by voila
I. Introduction
This is my first guide, weeeeeee I am writing it after I read the forums that GG is looking for new Guide writers and so thought I would try it out. I mainly wrote this guide because he is gravely underrated (in pubs atleast) and so thought should make a guide for him.
├A. History┤
Syllabear was spared a time of great strife due to the deeds of his people. Sensing their settlement’s impending destruction they turned their child into a bear and sent him into the wild. Syllabear grew up strong and savage, like the bears that inhabited the forests of his home. Using druidic powers, he can enter a state of almost rabid frenzy, and even call powerful bear companions to aid him. Awakened into his elven heritage by Furion the Prophet, Syllabear has regained his true elven form, and brings the bestial spirit of the bear to the battlefield.
├B. Pros and Cons┤
  • Great carry, pusher, tanker, dps hero
  • Free Observer Ward and Chicken
  • Great Farmer
  • Low HP before True Form
  • Need microing skill to manage both bear and Hero
├C. Bear’s Role in the Team┤

This hero is one of the best pushers, if not the best, amazing hero with an even more amazing summoned unit-my favorite summoned unit to play with. He can take down all 3 towers in one single push if backed up with good support. Also he is a killer with an ‘imba’ entangle that holds the unit in place to destroy ;..;
├D. Statistics┤

Note that the basic movement speed is 305 but the bear has 350 in the beginning (without Synergy) far more ms than Syllabear himself.
II. The Power of the Syllabear
├A. Skills Info┤
Summon Spirit Bear
Summons a powerful Spirit Bear companion. It randomly entangles enemies that it attacks.
Level 1 – 1400 hit points,
Level 2 – 1800 hit points, gains Return.
Level 3 – 2300 hit points, has Return and Demolish.
Level 4 – 2700 hit points, Entangles 16% of the time, has Return, Demolish, and a 33% Spell Damage Reduction, and can carry items.
At level 4 it has 2700 HP, which takes the tower 38 attacks to kill it (without creeps). Very powerful but its potential shrink late game due to less armor and no stats (REMEMBER HE HAS NO STATS ONLY DAMAGE AND ARMOR—LIKE A CREEP)
Bears Skills

Entangle (Orb Effect) – Attacks randomly cause roots to burst from the ground, immobilizing and disarming a target enemy unit for 3 seconds, and dealing 40 damage per second.
6 second cooldown after trigger

This is a hero killing skill a 3 sec stun and 2 huge bears hitting on you (pun intended)-OMFG

Return – Immediately teleports the Spirit Bear back to Syllabear.
5 second cooldown

Makes him a Chicken (pun not intended)

Demolish – Causes attacks to do 1.33 times normal damage to buildings.
He has 68-78 damage after lvl 4 Synergy so that comes to 91-104 on tower. Tower has 18 armor so damage reduction is 52% and 1400 Hp so it would take roughly 29-30 shots to take down tower alone, and with Rabid it means not much time-OMFG u didn’t know that right xD

Syllabear can create an intense combative fury in either himself or his Spirit Bear Companion.
Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 1 – Increases attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 5%.
Level 2 – Increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 10%.
Level 3 – Increases attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 15%.
Level 4 – Increases attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 20%.
Cooldown of 30 seconds at all level.
At level 4, you will have 426 ms with boots and your bear has 522 ms with treads
Increases the Lone Druid’s synergy with his Spirit Bear and himself with each level.
Spirit Bear – Adds 10 damage and 10 movement points.
Rabid – Increases the duration by 10 seconds.
True Form – Adds extra 100/200/300/400 hit points.
With this maxed, the bear will have 390 base movement speed and with treads 455.
As Bear’s ms > Sylla’s ms, Sylla will always be behind his bear when chasing too far

True Form
Syllabear learns to morph himself into a brown bear. He can morph freely between human and bear form.
Level 1 – 250 bonus health. (650 with synergy lvl 4)
Level 2 – 400 bonus health and has Battle Cry. (800 with synergy lvl 4)
Level 3 – 600 bonus health and has One. (1000 with synergy lvl 4)

Battle Cry
Mana Cost: 50
Adds 20 damage and 2 armor to his companion for 10 second
Cooldown: 30 second
Mana Cost: 80
Split the damage taken to his bear for 30 second
Cooldown: 15 second
Has 1.75 second casting time
├B. Items Info┤

For Syllabear himself

Boots of Travel | (2700)
Made of: Boots of Speed (500) + Recipe Scroll (2200)
+90 Movement Speed
Teleport ability

Mekansm |
Made of: Ironwood branch x 2 + Ring of Regeneration + Chain Mail + Headdress of Regeneration scroll + Netherzim Buckler scroll + Mekansm Scroll

Vladimir’s Offering | (2400)
Made of: Sobi Mask + Ring of protection + Mask of death +Vladimir’s Offering Scroll
Cranium Basher X 2 | (3220 X 2 = 6440)
Made of: Mithril Hammer + Gauntlets of strength + Cranium Basher scroll

Battle Fury | (4785)
Made of: Void Stone + Ring of health + Mithril hammer + Claymore
For the bear
Power Treads | (1530)
Made of: Boots of speed + Gloves of haste + Power treads scroll
Assault Cuirass | (6320)
Made of: Hyperstone + Plate mail + Chain mail + Assault Cuirass scroll
III. On to the build

├A. Skill Build┤

Summon Bear- 1,3,5,7
Synergy- 2,4,6,8
Rabid- 9,12,13,14
Bear Form- 10, 11, 16
Stats- Rest stats
├B. Core Item Build┤

Initially leave with a Headdress of regeneration and a rest tangos
Item Build Justification:
Get a Mekansm as soon as you can, get it by lvl-7 (use your bear to get it-haha). I like meka as it helps your bear stay alive and you are not going to use your mana anyways. Then get a glove of haste for your bear. This is required as by lvl 7 your bear is maxed out and you should be keeping him on the tower as he has demolish now and you want to tear down the tower as soon as possible with or without help of your allies. Then go for the Vladimir as the bear and you in true form will benefit a lot from it. After lvl 11 stay in your bear form rest of the game as he benefits hugely from it mainly due to the additional hit points and you get a nice boost in attack speed. Then complete the power treads for the bear get yourself a boot and go straight for the hyperstone. Keep alternating your Hyperstone between yourself and the bear depending on whom you are hitting-give it to the bear if attacking a tower or else keep it with you. Now complete your BoT as it will help you go from one lane to another and as bear as blink with him he stays with you. Then next go for the Bashers I like the bashers on Syllabear as after lvl 3 bear starts entangling and with 2 bashers you and your bear will almost permabash the hero. Now complete your Battle fury for the damage and farm even more. Give your battle fury to the bear when you put him on the tower (+65 damage-omfg Poor tower). Then go for assault cuirass and keep it in the bear as Sylabbear himself has a good base armor but the bear needs the additional armor to survive he has only 6 base armor L ( you want him to survive because if he dies YOU also lose Hp).
Skill Build Justification:
Max out bear for obvious reasons. I prefer maxing synergy before rabid as it gives the bear more damage (without synergy your lvl 4 bear has only 28-38 damage). Then get Bear form for the additional Hp. Syllabear has very low hp and very vulnerable to ganks. When you become a bear after lvl 11 it gives you bonus 800 Hp (nice eh). No stats till level 15 as you have a good hp and you are not short of mana (hopefully) due to your Vladimir aura.
├C. Levels 1-10┤
Skill order
Level 01 | Summon Bear
Level 02 | Synergy
Level 03 | Summon Bear
Level 04 |
Level 05 | Summon Bear
Level 06 |
Level 07 | Summon Bear
Level 08 |
Level 09 |
Level 10 |
True form
For controlling I assign both the bear and the hero in subgroup 1, hero as subgroup 2 and bear as subgroup 3. You don’t need to solo as you are a weak hero initially and you need to survive. Farm as much as you can help, with two units to control last hitting for both earning and denying fairly easy as the margin of error reduces. Take care not to let your bear die, if he is low on hp you can send him to the fountain for healing and then blink him back, don’t feed him tango’s as they don’t help him. Try to get the tower by level 8 or 9. After getting the 1st tower in your lane go and help your allies do the same in all lanes. Getting the first tower down early has a lot of benefits, for one assassin’s don’t have to go tower diving for hero kills, the bonus gold helps the team overall and it becomes safer to escape and gank as enemies don’t have their deadly and free sentry-towers.
├D. Levels 11-14┤
Skill order
Level 11 | True form
Level 12 |
Level 13 |
Level 14 |
Farm in your lane and try taking down second tower of all lanes. Use rabid (you can use it only on yourself or the bear and not on allies) for ganking, escaping and taking down towers. Remain in true form after lvl 11 as it will give you a nice hp boost and an active skill ‘battle cry’ which helps a lot for attacking.
├E. Levels 15-25┤
Skill order
Level 15 | Attribute Bonuses
Level 16 |
True form
Level 17 |
Attribute Bonuses
Level 18 |
Attribute Bonuses
Level 19 |
Attribute Bonuses
Level 20 |
Attribute Bonuses
Level 21 |
Attribute Bonuses
Level 22 |
Attribute Bonuses
Level 23 |
Attribute Bonuses
Level 24 |
Attribute Bonuses
Level 25 |
Attribute Bonuses
Whenever Roshan respawns go and kill him. It is fairly easy only with Vladimir’s and meka.

Now that you and your bear have high DPS, backdoor. Rabid form both, yourselves and your bear and attack the tower. It will be a matter of max 10-13 secs. As soon as the tower is down BoT out and blink your bear.

Buying Boots of Travel is needed mostly for two cases: You go backdoor and when your team needs you badly, then you teleport back and help out in the defense, or you defended successfully and then you teleport to a creep near to their base and either push in or if the creep wave is not close enough, then go backdoor.
Some people think backdooring is not allowed. TDA rules say it is allowed, it is confirmed.
├H. Other Items┤

Comparing Different Builds

Radiance was the most popular item for this hero, but it is now officially banned to put a radiance in your bear, if you are playing a tournament you will disqualified if you use it.

Sange & Yasha
It gives a slightly good movement and attack speed boost, some HP and a little damage. The maim is good but with a little more money you can get two bashers (1340 to be precise), and two bashers are any day better than one maim. You are already going to have a high movement speed thanks to BoT and rabid.
Boots of Travel vs. Power Treads
The fact, that you can teleport to any of your creeps or buildings, which ability makes you even more mobile makes BoT better than Power treads any day. Taking down some enemy buildings and teleporting back to defend (or vice-versa) is a very good combo, which will make the opponent cry.
Buying BoT can get you back to your base in time for defending. Also as I have stressed on backdooring it helps you escape because as soon as you start hitting the tower all enemy heroes will mobilize towards you. Buying TP scrolls until you get Travel is sufficient, but later when you have to teleport on creeps, you must buy BoT.

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