Saturday, 30 April 2011

hero guinde leshrac

Leshrac the Malicious, Tormented Soul

  • Neutral
  • Tavern: Intelligence
  • 0.4 / 0.77
  • 45 – 49
  • 0.7 / 0.8
  • 3.3
  • 1.7
  • 310
  • 900
  • 600
  • 1800 / 900
Background Story
Torment around me. Torment in me. Torment be with me. And let us conquer our foes. They do not understand our pain. Do you? No. Not a soul can. And for that, We shall make them feel the torment… The torment that inhabits my soul.

Split Earth (T)

Ability Type: Active
Targeting Point: Area
Splits the earth under your enemies’ feet. Deals damage and stuns for a short duration.
Level Mana Cost Cooldown Cast Range AoE Duration Target Effects
1 100 9 seconds 750 150 2 seconds Enemy Units Deals 120 damage and stuns
2 125 9 seconds 750 175 2 seconds Enemy Units Deals 180 damage and stuns
3 140 9 seconds 750 200 2 seconds Enemy Units Deals 240 damage and stuns
4 160 9 seconds 750 225 2 seconds Enemy Units Deals 300 damage and stuns
• Damage type: magical
• Destroys trees within its AoE.
• There is a 0.35 seconds delay before the effect is applied.
A decent amount of damage and also stuns, the only downside is that it has a short casting delay, but don’t worry you’ll get used to it. You either use this to farm creeps or ganking opposing heroes.

Diabolic Edict (C)
Ability Type: Active
Targeting Point: Instant
Saturates the area around Leshrac with magic, causing random explosions to enemies. Lasts 8 seconds.
Level Mana Cost Cooldown Cast Range AoE Duration Target Effects
1 95 22 seconds N/A 500 8 seconds Enemy Units and structures 32 explosions of 12.5 damage (each total of 400 damage)
2 120 22 seconds N/A 500 8 seconds Enemy Units and structures 32 explosions of 25 damage (each total of 800 damage)
3 135 22 seconds N/A 500 8 seconds Enemy Units and structures 32 explosions of 37.5 damage (each total of 1200 damage)
4 155 22 seconds N/A 500 8 seconds Enemy Units and structures 32 explosions of 50 damage (each total of 1600 damage)
• Damage type: mixed
• This damage is not reduced by damage block abilities (such as Vanguard, Kraken Shell, etc.)
• The explosions will continue even if Leshrac is disabled or killed.
• Can damage invisible heroes if they are within the AoE.
• Can damage structures.
The best pushing skill in Dota, since it can also hit Towers and other buildings. Get this skill if your aiming for a early push. Don’t mistaken that this is just a pushing skill, it can also does huge  damage against opposing heroes near Leshrac; a good combo with your ultimate skill.

Lightning Storm (G)

Ability Type: Active
Targeting Type: Unit
Calls a lightning storm that hits nearby enemies.
Level Mana Cost Cooldown Cast Range AoE Duration Target Effects
1 100 5.5 seconds 700 650* N/A Enemy Units Deals 80 damage. Jumps 4 times
2 115 5.5 seconds 700 650* N/A Enemy Units Deals 145 damage. Jumps 6 times
3 130 5.5 seconds 700 650* N/A Enemy Units Deals 205 damage. Jumps 7 times
4 145 5.5 seconds 700 650* N/A Enemy Units Deals 265 damage. Jumps 8 times
• Damage type: magical
• Damage stays the same through all the bounces.
• (*) Area of Effect means the distance the Lightning Storm can bounce.
One of the AoE nuke skill, can be use to farm and harass enemies. The range could go more than 650, depends how the Lighting travels.

Pulse Nova (V)
Ability Type: Toggle
Targeting Point: Instant
Summons a Pulse Nova every second to damage nearby enemies.
Level Mana Cost Cooldown Cast Range AoE Duration Target Effects
1 110 to active. 20 mana per second when activated 0 seconds N/A 400 Until deactivated Enemy Units 66 (88*)damage per nova
2 110 to active. 40 mana per second when activated 0 seconds N/A 400 Until deactivated Enemy Units 100 (133*)damage per nova
3 110 to active. 60 mana per second when activated 0 seconds N/A 400 Until deactivated Enemy Units 144 (177*)damage per nova
• Damage type: magical
• Will not deal damage if Leshrac is invisible.
• Can be improved by Aghanim’s Scepter.
Deals a potential huge damage on all foes. I advise that only activate this skill on team fight or solo kill, because it drains a lot of mana.

Early Game (Level 1-8) or
Leshrac doesn’t have a decent amount of HP, so I’m recommending either a Bracer and Urn of Shadow or both then Magic Wand w/ consumable items or Bottle. Harass with “Lightning Storm” if solo on mid. If your on dual lane, and your partnered with a disable hero, make sure to get “Split Earth” , or if you planning to an early push put your skills on “Diabolic Edict” and “Lightning Storm”. I advise that you skip level 1 Pulse Nova since Leshrac doesn’t have enough mana pool to activate it longer. An early Arcane Boots will be a hassle for your enemies.
Mid Game (Level 9-15)
Start putting skill points on your ultimate, since your mana will be peak in 1,000 mana points. Always remember to activate your “Pulse Nova” whenever there is a fight, and also deactivate it, when there are no enemy heroes nearby. Start roaming around since you won’t having any problem farming. Ask for gank, and push when there is opportunity. Also don’t go solo, when there is no ally nearby or the enemy heroes are not on the map, Leshrac is prone on being gank, “Split Earth” is your only escape tool, if you don’t have “Kelen Dagger” yet, the skill is not very reliable so don’t let your guards down and be active. Also if your planning for Bloodstone, get Soul Booster first.
Late Game (Level 16++)
This is where Leshrac become very crucial, because he can defend, nuke, and push. Just don’t go solo when pushing always be with your team, only push solo when there is a opportunity, just make sure you always carry Teleportation Scroll, so you can go back and defend. Take advantage of the three nuke skills of Leshrac, casting “Diabolic Edict”, “Split Earth” and “Lightning Storm”; you have a huge mana pool now, don’t forget about “Pulse Nova” but even though you have great amount of mana, it also can be depleted so watch out, and when deactivating, leave some for your other skills, to Stun, chase and escaping.
Recommend Items

Final Words
I recommend this hero, for new players who played dota at least 3 times, since it has a fast learning curve, but you’ll need to be active and focus on the environment, since Leshrac is a all around hero.

nice idea : ))

best dota video man !!

best kill steal

imba or stealer ( comment please )


best lanaya eva !!

please comment

must watch

I wish i had more couriers and dagon

Is this epic ?

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